Example sentences of "at [art] time be " in BNC.

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1 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
2 Designed as an ‘ everyman 's ’ aeroplane , the venture might have succeeded had the market economy at the time been more buoyant .
3 Though the case is complex and the minister has joined the Anglican communion , the elements of the case at the time are quite significant .
4 Only a handful of the numerous pamphlets that were published at the time are included in the catalogue .
5 I assume you can not , for already the feelings I had at the time are inscrutable to me , so imbued was I with an electric sense of occasion .
6 The sampling of events in these two studies was not completely random ( see for comparison Brewer , 1988 ) , nonetheless the studies do suggest that although emotionally arousing circumstances can sometimes be well remembered even after very considerable delays ( c.f. Wagenaar & Groeneweg , 1990 ) it seems unlikely that actual feelings of emotional arousal at the time are either necessary or sufficient to cause dramatically enhanced memory .
7 Statements made out of court , and assurances recorded by reporters at the time are likely to be inadmissible or of less value because they are " hearsay " : real witnesses must be enticed or subpoenaed to give evidence before the jury .
8 Erm that somehow coping strategies which people developed at the time are counter-productive when they when they 're a bit older , so that 's the general erm er kind of of impetus behind that .
9 The actual speed at the time is usually far too slow to allow for any use of the airbrakes , but there is plenty of room ahead for a safe landing .
10 The Jews ’ problem at the time is , of course , still ours .
11 That Miller was known outside the gardening fraternity at the time is evidenced by the fact that his expertise was sought by Nathan Bailey for his Dictionarum Britannicum or a more Compleat Etymological English Dictionary , 1730 .
12 ‘ Most of the trauma I was going through at the time is written into that film , ’ he admitted reflectively .
13 Quite why we were undressed at the time is a mystery , though I do recall your mother being uncharacteristically excitable and an unseemly display of mirth by the ambulance men .
14 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
15 … the communication in a commercial context of information which at the time is regarded by the giver and recognised by the recipient as confidential , and the nature of which has a material connection with the commercial interests of the party confiding that information , imposes on the recipient a fiduciary obligation to maintain that confidence thereafter unless the giver consents to relax it .
16 A Parisian-born chef of the early nineteenth century brings to perfection — or to what at the time is considered perfection — a grandiose dish of sole in a white wine and cream sauce with a ceremonial garnish of freshwater crayfish , fried gudgeons , oysters , mushrooms and prawns impaled on ornamental skewers .
17 Whether or not the Communist leaders really believed this or any other of the sweeping statements made at the time is questionable .
18 No , I do n't know what it , he did n't bang on the doors , I was hoovering at the time Is that nice ?
19 Photographs of the squad taken in the early 1970s still evoke surprise in police circles , simply because they display such strong imagery of an unacceptable style , and at the time were made much of in the media , who saw the newsworthy potential of policemen in a disorderly form .
20 The analogies at the time were very crude and based upon feudal understandings of barons and servants and themes of honour , respect and dignity .
21 On I8 April 1983 the American Embassy in Beirut was car-bombed and collapsed like a pack of cards , sixty-three employees , including a team of senior CIA agents holding a meeting at the time were killed .
22 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
23 In February 1991 , he was offered the manager 's job at Birmingham City , an English Third Division club , who at the time were so down at heel they resembled an inveterate gambler staggering from one bad bet to another .
24 In London , the Old Kent Road and Anerley Schools for the Deaf which were both occupied by civil defence and military authorities at the time were also substantially damaged and needed major repairs after the war before they could be reoccupied .
25 He was assiduous in helping Ealing Colts , amongst whom at the time were Simon Hughes and Keith Tomlins .
26 All the pop songs in vogue at the time were sung communally — songs such as those from the award-winning film , Hong Gaoliang ( Red Sorghum ) and the virtual national anthem of youth during 1988 , ‘ Yi Wu Suo You ’ , ‘ The One Who Has Nothing ’ .
27 Those who were with him on the tour of Dark Summer at the time were equally astounded .
28 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
29 As we have repeatedly noted , however , politics and religion for Israel at the time were inextricably associated — were , in fact , essentially different manifestations of the same thing .
30 Little noticed at the time were large groups who missed out in the general prosperity : the blacks , poor farmers , lower-paid workers , and the old people living on small fixed pensions , who suffered particularly from one of the continuing problems of the economy inflation .
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