Example sentences of "at [adv] [n mass] of " in BNC.

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1 The cost of processing such a large number of documents has been estimated at approximately 10% of the invoice value of the goods -a significant cost by any standard .
2 In its Brady deal they took a dim view of a proposal to encash the country 's paper at just 45% of its face value , which attracted a mere 7% of the total debt tendered .
3 Sontag 's attack on interpretation was two-pronged and aimed at both works of art and art criticism .
4 Gas demand has increased from 12% to 16% of total energy consumed over the same period but the major energy source remains coal at nearly 60% of demand in 1983 .
5 Porsche 's engineers reckon that although the car can corner safely at about 85% of gravitational acceleration , most owners will only need about half of that ability for normal , but still very fast motoring .
6 With ( AT ) 5 GC(AT) 5 ( Figure 2e ) all the ApT sites are cut at about 20% of the central GC , except for the ApT on the 5'-side of the centre which is cleaved at 60% of the GC .
7 Water discharges from the terminal normally operate at about 5ppm of hydrocarbons .
8 The best cleavage is found at the central GpC ; all the ApT sites are cut at about 25% of this rate , except for the first ApT on the 5'-side which shows no detectable cleavage .
9 Figures for 1992/93 put general government expenditure at around 43% of GDP at market prices ( see Table 15.2 below ) .
10 The estimate for 1992/93 puts general government expenditure at around 43% of GDP at market prices .
11 What 's more , Pinnacle says it will deliver its S-10 clone at around 65% of Sun 's list price , which would peg an entry-level machine with a 36MHz CPU doing 86 MIPS , 44 SPECint92 and 53 SPECfp92 at around $12,000 — £9,600 .
12 SCO claims 28% of all Unixes sold on all platforms against SunSoft 's 25% , though Open Desktop sales remain stuck at around 35% of its business instead of the 60% it envisaged at the launch of Open Desktop 2.0 this time last year .
13 Such people usually point to a single statistic for evidence ; for instance , that the public sector employs about 30% of the labour force or , as with Milton Friedman , that public expenditure at around 60% of National Income threatens to destroy freedom and democracy .
14 According to the capital-adequacy regime negotiated under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) in Basle , banks must have capital equal to at least 8% of their assets ( weighted according to their riskiness ) by , in Japan 's case , March 1993 .
15 It is about 0.01% of retina area , but at least 8% of the striate cortex .
16 The Chairman of the Sports Council , Peter Yarranton , concurred and called for the expansion of pay and play facilities to at least 30% of all future developments to allow ‘ sport for all ’ .
17 The Education Reform Act required college governing bodies to be dominated by employer interests , and it is normally a requirement that at least 50% of the attendance at any governing body meeting should be from the employer sector .
18 Were at least 50% of those interviewed working in offices , banks , schools or highly-skilled work ?
19 Did at least 50% of those interviewed state that they would buy the products mentioned from a hypermarket if there was one in the area ?
20 If the proprietor was between the ages of 50 and 60 in 1952 , at least 50% of his vineyard must be planted with authorised varieties .
21 In Jim 's case , he changes at least 50% of the water in all his tanks daily !
22 Under the amended Regulations , PEP investment can only be made in a ‘ non-qualifying ’ trust if at least 50% of its investments are held in shares .
23 An open fire needs an air entry opening with a free area of at least 50% of the fire 's throat area , while rooms container other solid fuel or oil-burning appliances must have openings totalling 550sq mm per kilowatt of rated output above the first 5kW .
24 Broadview defined information technology companies as those organisations deriving at least 50% of their revenues from computer and/or telecommunications hardware , software and services , excluding those with under £1m turnover .
25 It costs £6,000 per user , upgrades are £1,500 , and ACT expects that at least 50% of its existing Quasar customers will go that route over the next year .
26 For instance , to return to our Mercedes Benz , BMW and Volvo example ( paragraph 1.1(a) above ) , the market researcher might know that ( say ) at least 50% of UK sales are made in London and the South East of England ( since this is the wealthiest part of the country ) .
27 Substantial bleeding may take place ( intracerebral bleeding , 0.3–0.7% ) and the residual mortality is at least 50% of that without thrombolytic treatment .
28 Cantal is entirely within the LFA and at least 80% of Powys is included within the Welsh LFA ( before its extension in February 1984 ) .
29 David Gilford , for instance , hits the fairway with his tee shot at least 80% of the time , Tony Johnstone gets up and down from greenside bunkers around 90% of the time and , just as remarkable , Colin Montgomerie hits 77% of greens in regulation .
30 SmartStar claims Vision is the minimum-code solution available for client/server applications , estimating that the support programming needed to implement such applications absorbs at least 80% of the overall programming effort .
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