Example sentences of "at [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The privatization of industries , ranging from Britoil to British Gas , British Telecom and British Steel , has been a great success , partly because they have touched a public nerve , but also because the share issues have usually been made at below market value .
2 Her kidneys are working at only 9% efficiency and they 're getting worse .
3 Come and choose from our wide variety of salads and cold dishes by booking a table between 6pm and 6.30pm at only £6.50per head .
4 When asked at what level unitary authorities should be created , the results were evenly split : around half the sample favoured them at broadly district level while the other half preferred regional level or expressed no preference .
5 Peak hydrocarbon generation was estimated to occur at approximately 1% reflectance for both coals .
6 At 8.29am London Bridge station was rocked by an explosion .
7 I prefer serving cold started and desserts because then all the food can be put outside at once buffet style .
8 He cast around for somewhere to put them , and at once Mei Ling took them and gave them to a waiting servant .
9 I would gladly say , ‘ Heil Hitler ! ’ and at once part company with him , realizing what a pitiable insult it is to such a great man to try to tlatter him with an imitation which he has always disdained .
10 I can not stand it any longer , if someone does not come to me I will give up and be miserable for ever and perhaps go home of my own accord , write or wire to Uncle C. and say you are coming at once pleas darling , and come on Saturday or I will give up altogether and always wretched .
11 All at once gene therapy has burst upon the scene as a potential new treatment for genetic disorders , multifactorial conditions , and even for the provision of polypeptide hormones or enzymes to treat acquired disease .
12 He said Gooch 's car became a lethal weapon as he raced at near 90mph speed , ‘ probably to show off . ’
13 I know that they do have computer science courses at both O level and A level , do you think these will be the basis of the future courses , or are we looking for an entirely new development , something quite new and quite different , that stands as a subject in his own right ?
14 Some of his commissions continued for many years ; at both Chirk Castle and Erddig he supervised the landscaping for twenty-four years .
15 When we were first warned , I did n't really pay much attention to what was being said about it — the same problem had flared up at both Jersey House and the hotel I 'd just left but in neither case had there been prolonged cause for concern .
17 Peak generation occurs at about 1% reflectance rather than at the 2–3% reflectance reported in a number of published studies .
18 Following the interesting article by Andy Fairgrieve on the realities of high speed skiing I enclose calculated curves which give the order of speeds attained by normal unstreamlined skiers in relation to the distance skied , in a straight line , down slopes at various angles , at about 6,000ft altitude .
19 This was done industry by industry at SIC Class level and separately for large and small companies .
20 This was done industry by industry [ at SIC Class level ] and separately for large and small companies .
21 The grossing-up procedure was carried out at SIC Class level , separately for large and small companies .
22 The cost , at today exchange rate on the ferry , eleven pounds seventy three pence .
23 The next day cryptosporidium was also discovered at nearby Swinford Treatment Works .
24 UK sets ozone levels at twice WHO limit
25 I heard of this place and felt interested , ’ she informed him with truth , or at least part truth .
26 Included in the four Lifetime Learning targets are that 50% of the workforce should be aiming for NVQs or units towards them by 1996 , and that by the year 2000 , 50% of the workforce be qualified to at least NVQ level 3 or equivalent .
27 Educated to at least degree level ( preferably PhD ) in a mechanical/aeronautical engineering or other relevant discipline , you should have practical experience relevant to the monitoring of and interpretation of data from prototype wind turbine installations and associated meteorological masts .
28 True , there are the remarkable exceptions : Burt 's quarter century escapade in wholesale duplicity is a real shocker — though it may prove nothing so much as that psychology , or at least intelligence testing , has no claim to scientific respectability .
29 However , he says , ‘ our own society — at least the academic sub-society within it [ a significant qualification in view of the current argument ] — sets great store by what it calls , and thinks to be , objectivity and has certain standards of dispassionate , scientific investigation , to which at least lip service is paid and which may , of course , be distorted by unrecognised prejudice of one kind or another ’ ( ibid . ) .
30 ‘ Fierce public opposition , including from the workers at both yards , thwarted their plans and compelled both to pay at least lip service to keeping both dockyards open .
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