Example sentences of "at [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The possibility of postal misdelivery and of an administrative mishap at the suppliers ' office may be taken into account and it may be appropriate to send out reminders prior to the closing date .
2 He never put in an appearance at the parents ' meeting .
3 The model presented here of working with parents enables the clinician to progress at the parents ' rate of change and understanding .
4 Before this age parents can be given ideas about encouraging children to go to the lavatory before going to bed , and waking them at the parents ' bedtime so providing another chance to empty their bladder .
5 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
6 When I were at the parents ' evening I said does that mean er he never sits still and he 's always tearing about and
7 Erm , no yo I 've , er I 've asked him at the parents ' evening what he expected us to do for economics , right ?
8 A factor for some of us in so doing was the fact that we have been saddened and sickened at the supermarkets ' attitudes in exploiting the European difficulty .
9 As the dragoons beside the cannon prepared to advance , the Highlanders dashed forward and slashed at the horses ' noses , which sent the unfortunate animals , maddened with pain , into headlong retreat , scattering the supporting line behind them .
10 Less the arm the figure is complete in itself , but it was part of a larger whole : a four-horse team , the charioteer in the car holding the reins , possibly the dedicator as a warrior behind him on the ground or mounting , probably a groom at the horses ' heads ( a small-scale arm was found , as well as scraps of the horses ' legs and tails ) .
11 There is no room between him and the chariot for a groom corresponding to the one holding the reins in the opposite wing ; nor , if the girl is rightly placed , was there one at the horses ' heads .
12 Andrea Whitcombe led almost from start to finish to retain her title at the Women 's National Cross-Country Championships at Birkenhead .
13 Courses & Study Days at the Women 's Therapy Centre :
14 ‘ I 've got to speak at the women 's Institute .
15 That was when I met you for the first time , last week , at the consciousness-raising group that we started at the women 's centre a few weeks ago .
16 Massive amounts of union literature have been aimed at the women 's issues noted above .
17 The period during which I have been writing this chapter has seen one of the worst staffing levels ever at the women 's flat .
18 As we are particularly interested in the influences on women who choose science , we shall begin by looking at the women 's experiences of single-sex education .
19 We also thank the team of dedicated workers at the Women 's Nutritional Advisory Service for their professionalism over the years , which has enabled us to collect much of the research referred to in this book .
20 For years now , at the Women 's Nutritional Advisory Service , we have been working with people who have needed to make dietary changes for the sake of their health .
21 At the Women 's Nutritional Advisory Service we conducted a survey to find out what people understood by the term " well balanced diet " .
22 Further education in domestic science was given at the Women 's Department of King 's College , which opened in 1909 .
23 When I first came to England with your father , I was shocked at the women 's laziness here .
24 Rosemary will be teaching others her skills in creating a market stall complete with special effects in the form of ‘ rosy ’ apples and ‘ muddy ’ parsnips at the Women 's Institute 's Denman College in Marcham before setting out for Staffordshire on a dolls-house holiday !
25 Bryony had spent the weekend at the Women 's Peace Camp at Greenham Common .
26 At the women 's centre an earlier donation of sewing machines had remained unassembled , a situation soon rectified .
27 In 1972 Rata Quick formed an ‘ Elite Team ’ of 12 performers to represent Medau at the Women 's League of Health and Beauty Anniversary Festival at the Royal Albert Hall .
28 Thank you and all my friends at the Women 's Institute for the lovely flowers , cards and letters sent to me during my illness .
29 An enterprising firm of potters anywhere in the Province could supply batches of their wares , so crates of vessels arriving at the quartermasters ' stores could have come from any available source .
30 He tells me to meet him at the magistrates ' court the following morning , tells me to keep away from the scumbags .
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