Example sentences of "at [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With the population due to stabilise at merely twice the current numbers , there would appear to be little cause for concern on a global level .
2 Built in 1821 as one of 17 semaphore towers , it was equipped with a time-ball in 1854 which drops daily at 1pm down a 15 ft-mast on the roof .
3 BBC2 settled down with about 10 per cent of the total TV audience and heavily subsidized by BBC1 , which had four times the viewers at only twice the cost .
4 Ms Fitzgerald puts initial demand at perhaps only a dozen companies in the US , but adds that they are leading edge customers which other potential users will be watching carefully .
5 It was scarcely credible that this should happen at so late a stage and I asked the department to get the minute to me at once .
6 … a set of men who live by death and never care to appear but at the End of Man 's Life … their Business is to watch Death , and to furnish out the Funeral Solemnity , with as much pomp and feigned sorrow as the Heirs or Successors of the Deceased chose to purchase : They are a hard-hearted Generation , and require more money than Brains to conduct their Business ; I know no one Qualification peculiarly necessary to them , except that is a steady , demure and melancholy Countenance at Command : I do not know , that they take Apprentices in their Capacity as Undertakers , for they are generally Carpenters , or Herald-Painters besides ; and they only employ , as Journeymen , a set of Men whom they have picked up , possessed of a sober Countenance , and a solemn melancholy Face , whom they pay at so much a Jobb .
7 In sophisticated market planning , a certain type of work can be selected at so early a stage , on the basis of a few examples or of some calculated or projected demand , that production , from that stage , no longer originates with the primary producer but is commissioned from him .
8 It is not fair to your able Headmaster and his assistants ; it is not fair to the foundation of Sir Edmond Shaa ; it is not fair to the boys that they should be taken away from the school at so early an age . "
9 This year 's show takes place on Saturday 31 August between 2 and 4.30pm , but do n't hang about — at 6pm sharp the Over 60 's Karate and Flower Arranging Class takes over , or so I 'm told .
10 Twins Rachel and Rebecca , seen here at just over a year old , live on the estate with their mother Carol .
11 At just over an hour long , Dee 's routine at London 's Duke Of York Theatre , is complex , bizarre and original .
12 And in section 5.2 we look in more detail at just how the Bank operates in short-term money markets in order to influence interest rates and the rate of monetary growth .
13 For historians the drawback is that the gaps appear at just about every point where there is something they would like to know .
14 To be fair , this kind of criticism can be levelled at just about every new machine , regardless of price .
15 Some burning sun , black clouds , rain and wind were the backdrop to another highly agreeable fortnight in Paris at just about the perfect time of year .
16 At just about the same time , a cigar-gnawing chief executive thousands of miles away was shredding his meticulously planned TV schedules to find a slot for a homely Australian series which was to become one of the all time surprise hits , turning many of its stars into instant celebrities .
17 Another group , the crustaceans , appeared at just about the same time .
18 " Psycho-anthropology " , a stepchild of anthropology and psychology , emerged as a sub-discipline at just about the same time that its purest source data — the least-contacted tribal peoples — were vanishing into extinction .
19 Theseus is shown again at just about the same time , lifting Antiope into his chariot , an over life-size group from a pediment ( fig. 65 ) .
20 And conditions were still at just about the same , but it had been an old hotel , so all the rooms at the top were left just as the bedrooms would have been , so you went up and down steps , and along corridors .
21 Told me that at just about the same age , he did the same thing to try and impress the then girl in in the office .
22 If I did manage to get the rubber disc in now , but then he arrived an hour or two late , and then we went out for a romantic candle-lit dinner , and then we chatted for a while … the spermicide would have decided to cease hostilities at just about the time I needed it to be at its most fierce .
23 His departure for Australia came at just about the right time .
24 In this way theory encompasses at once both the broad generalizations which lead the researcher on to further enquiries and the precise statements of interrelationships which help tidy up some of the loose ends of understanding .
25 It is understandable , therefore , why they should also believe that this harsh and exploitative system a fact noted not just by Marxists but also by social reformers like Dickens , Rowntree , William Booth , the Webbs and Edwin Chadwick at the time would ultimately be questioned by the class of people who were at once both the most numerous and the most exploited by this mode of production .
26 She told officers she threw her baby into the river at about 7.30pm the same day .
27 Her husband Adrian , a mental nurse , called the midwife from time to time and at about 7.30pm the midwife told the registrar .
28 Police say that at about 11am a man reported at the Green Garage service station that his car had broken down nearby .
29 Believe me this law seems to come into operation unfailingly at about 3.20pm every day !
30 The victim had been put into the lower of two bunk-beds at about 9pm the night before by his father , Mr Alan Robinson , 52 .
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