Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] on " in BNC.

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1 horrible types that can eat and eat and do n't put on an ounce
2 But , in any case , I should have realized that a review of high seriousness like The Criterion , the circulation of which never reached 1,000 copies and I suspect hardly more than 500 , was supported by an intellectual minority whose allegiance did not wane on account of the neglect of a man of whom many may not have heard .
3 Dons , in those days , did not reckon on buying houses , still less on having mortgages .
4 We did not reckon on greedy Labour authorities utilising the change to conceal vast increases in public expenditure that they forced on to thousands of unsuspecting electors in our communities , to try to persuade them to change their allegiance from the Conservative party to Labour .
5 Worrell did not go on that tour , but when West Indies went to England in 1957 under Goddard he was annoyed that the vice-captaincy went to Clyde Walcott ; Worrell and Walcott , while friends , were never all that close , in fact , whereas Worrell and Weekes were .
6 They saw themselves as being responsible people who did not go on strike for trivial benefits such as a tea-break but , at the same time , also saw themselves as a little bit downtrodden , almost persecuted .
7 Hammond did not go on the Irish expedition of 1649 , but remained on active service ; unlike Fairfax , he took part in the pre-emptive invasion of Scotland the following year .
8 The thermotron , as the apparatus was called , did not rely on the principle of the hydrogen bomb .
9 Berg 's claim failed because the company was not misled and did not rely on the report and because the facts did not raise a situation where G was acting in fraud of the company or its creditors .
10 They did not rely on mighty sinews and glittering steel as a true warrior should .
11 His great virtue was that he did not rely on a single visit , but frequently returned after a period of years and was able to comment on progress — or lack of it — and the way in which new legislation was being implemented .
12 The effect is that the accused is not guilty if the victim did not rely on the deception .
13 On the evidence in the present case I am satisfied that one reason why the plaintiff did so much for the deceased was her belief that , although she was not a blood relative of his , he would leave his estate to her on his death ; but , on the authority of Greasley v Cooke [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1306 , if the evidence was not sufficient to establish this positively , the plaintiff would still succeed on the fourth element in the absence of proof that she did not rely on the deceased 's statements .
14 Crucially , there was evidence that in similar cases the defendants generally did not rely on the clause , but negotiated settlements , which perhaps indicated that the defendants did not regard the clause as reasonable .
15 ‘ Procedures were carried out with care and precision on a ‘ right first time ’ principle — they did not rely on adjusting something at the end of the process to get it right . ’
16 Basil did not preach on such matters ; he simply set high standards for teachers to emulate .
17 Otherwise dates did not appear on western coinage until the thirteenth century .
18 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
19 Light gauge string sets which included a plain third did not appear on the market until the late '60s .
20 Carter , who did not appear on stage himself , later said : ‘ The idiots who run pool in this country have had 20 years to get it right and they 've messed up .
21 Further , wives ' legal access to the marital home has been improved by the recent practices of divorce courts which have more often allowed the wife to claim possession of a portion of the marital home even if her name did not appear on the title deeds .
22 * Candidate did not appear on the ballot .
23 The Savoyard himself did not appear on the day , apparently because he was unsure whether to give precedence to the representative of the king of Bohemia ( the " Winter King " Frederick of the Palatinate ) ; but his absence at once made the Venetian ambassador fear that Savoy , perhaps with French or Spanish help , was intriguing to threaten the precedence claimed by the republic .
24 Nor does the imputation take account of people who did not appear on the Census form returned for their household ; the extent of the undercount , and the approximate breakdown of the missing persons by age and sex , can be estimated by comparison with the Registrar-General 's population estimates ( Census Newsletter , October 1992 ) , but no further adjustment to the statistics has been made .
25 Now up to that moment I had never heard of John Searby , one of Gibson 's flight commanders , and he did not appear on " Cocky's ' list .
26 Even if the government neglected to veto legislation of this sort , the Westminster Parliament could in theory pass laws to repeal colonial legislation , but in practice Parliament did not legislate on issues that could be seen as internal concerns of the colonies and did not go round picking up loose ends left by the governors .
27 JTR did not land on Coll but sketched part of the village from the St Clair as she hove to in the bay for disembarking passengers and goods .
28 ‘ So the Ark did not land on the very summit ? ’
29 Soft touches did not arrive on sports plans without investigative effort .
30 But the new interest shown by socialists in the old anarchist nostrum of ‘ the general strike against war ’ did not rest on an acceptance that only the proletarian revolution could prevent war .
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