Example sentences of "do [pers pn] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've done them all the right hats
2 bella was of the opinion that Randall had done them all an immense favour by dying when he did , but Louise regarded it as the greatest of all his cruelties .
3 ‘ It 'll do you all a power of good .
4 It could do you all the good in the world . ’
5 I swore to my mother , when she was dying , that if I ever found my half-brother , I would do him all the harm I could .
6 Sure you 're a great guy in their eyes … you 've done 'em all a favour by writing yourself off the promotion list .
7 Right well I 've done it all the way through .
8 Done it I suppose I 've done it eighty a hundred times by now But this was the first time , you see .
9 They should do it all the time I reckon .
10 In the cold light of day you come to realise that you just can not do it all the time , that the body comes to a point where , for the moment , it has had enough .
11 Provided that , ’ she added as though drafting a contract , ‘ you do n't do it all the time . ’
12 Oh I see that when I come Does she do it all the time then or was it just one-off ?
13 and the thread bit on I do n't do it all the time look you 've got half a sense mind half a strong common sense
14 That 's right I know , but see this is , you see this is the point I 'm trying to make to you , you can quite happily do it in your own way , but the problem is you do n't know what you 're doing , right , and , and if you actually knew what you were doing and well aware of what you 're doing you would do it a hundred times better and you would do it all the time , right
15 Clarke would do us all a big service if , in his next book , he could produce a law that sorts out the predictions that are too spineless from those that assume the human race to be capable of too much ,
16 Certainly this is a month of trials and tribulations but I suspect what will be rooted up , thrashed out and spat out will do us all a favour in the end .
17 It would do us all a lot of good .
18 Steve Pyle has not only done us all a favour ; he has done you one , Mr Laing .
19 But perhaps the royal sisters-in-law have done us all a favour by chipping away at these hypocritical accolades .
20 She has done us many a kindness and fed us every morning . "
21 ‘ Was it worth so great a violation to do me such a little hurt ? ’
22 We shall assume that you have come to work but not to do it all the time .
23 And erm , I always felt sorry for the people working in Inland Revenue because er , they were , they were having to do it all the time
24 But he wants to become the first man to do it all the way across .
25 We ca n't just keep asking the people that actually pay to come to the matches to do it all the time , they have to be supplemented from industry anyway .
26 I 've wanted to do it many a time . ’
27 If you want to know the correct way to squat , then just watch a child of two or three because they are doing it all the time .
28 It 's ‘ Thou hast already and , this being the case , thou mightest as well go on doing it , since if thou doth n't , it might be bad for thine psyche , and anyway if we told thee not to , thou wouldst accuse us of being prejudiced and go on doing it all the same . ’
29 Why , why is everyone rushing off doing it all the time ?
30 But erm I , I think a midwife , a good midwife , is every bit as good as a doctor because she 's doing it all the time .
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