Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Informix says Storm means less work for MIS departments because users do n't have to understand the database schema and can do more work themselves with the tools .
2 What shall we do then cut them up for you ?
3 Doth grossly close it in , we can not hear it : …
4 You may have thought I had thrown them away , or merely , forgotten about them , and I was entitled to do either , since you explicitly said I was to do exactly whit I liked with them , that you washed your hands of them completely .
5 All you want to do is , all you wanted to do just strike it in middle of glass go round it just
6 Another housemaster in describing what he would ideally like to do also set it in the context of his sense of powerlessness .
7 This may be to acquaynt you that their is a pore yong women in oure Towne of Asston-underlyne infected with a filthy deceassed called the French poxe and shee saith shee was defiled by one Henry Heyworth a maryed man , but soe it is the report of that dessease occasioneth neighbours to deny hir harbour and shee is enforced to lye in the streetes and in great danger to bee starved , I do humbly intreate your worshipps to take it into your consideration and to grant your Order that the pore woman may be provyded for to prevent starveing , either upon the parrish charges , or upon the Costs of the said Heyworth whom she saith hath spoiled hir , whether yiur worshipps shall think fitt
8 The New Democracy conservatives , though they were alarmingly slow to tackle the budget deficit when they got back to power , did eventually do something stern , and are still resisting the temptation to relax again .
9 He , he did it once or twice , had to give up when he got to the mouth of the River Orwell because he mistimed the currents but he did , he did eventually do it from Stoke Bathing Place to Felixstowe .
10 The money I was going to save on rent over the next month could be put towards a deposit on something — always assuming the Department of Employment did eventually pay me my due — and then I would be able to start again .
11 When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up !
12 on an underground train which could n't decide if it 's going to move or not , it did eventually move I got a taxi at one point and I was so sick and tired and they put me outside Liberties , I gave the man a twenty pound note and he gave me change for a ten yes , coming back from Oxford Circus from Liberty 's , I thought I 'd better economise , I 've been done out of ten pounds , I do n't think it was dishonesty I think it was just sheer muddle , I , I 'm ten pounds down , I 'm must cut down a bit , so I will come back underground from Oxford Circus to Waterloo to get down to and you 've guessed it , I got into an , an underground train which would not move , it simply stuck , and it would go chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , then it would stop in the tunnel for a while , while its .
13 She seemed to be having trouble putting one in front of the other but she did eventually make it to the steps of the disabled bus and fell inside .
14 Now , even in it took us some , some time to get the situation under control but we did eventually get it under control but , as I say , not without a lot of misgivings and very very strong complaints from the public at large .
15 Now , I did eventually get my father to tell me this ; and , according to him , it was just as he choked the last struggling life out of the dog that he heard another scream , this time from above , and inside the house , and that was the boy they called Paul being born .
16 I do rather resent it when there are other council committees , there 's Town Hall Strategy Working Party in the afternoon , now if we 're going to be sure that we can all get to this without conflict with other committees , erm I had to be there on behalf of the Lord Mayor because she had duties , erm and I was very sorry not to be able to come , because I have dealt , visited many occupational , I wanted to visit the officers , and you know , it is n't always possible where you have a conflict of interests .
17 They rushed out into Regent 's Park — out of earshot — and Simon told her , yes of course he was forcing her hand , it was blackmail : he did love her so , she was the right one for him and he 'd take her tomorrow on five hundred pounds , if someone would lend them to him , and he did rather fancy himself as a married man at twenty-one .
18 Philippe was quite correct , I had n't taken my pills and it was one of the days when I did rather need them . ’
19 ‘ We did rather wonder what had happened to you , ’ said Ianthe .
20 ‘ To answer your question with brutal honesty — I did rather enjoy it .
21 I admit , you and I did rather live our years together in the shadow of Jean-Claude , as I had lived in the shadow of Montaine .
22 While the NCF was , of course , sensitive to this point , it did rather undermine its initial political strategy .
23 The relatively low percentage of graduates from such courses who do eventually make their way , via postgraduate and often in the sciences post-doctoral research , into the academic professions , should not disguise the fact that academic courses do provide a preparation for such work .
24 And when they do eventually make it , they 're really , really good . ’
25 Continuing with the above situation , when young carers do eventually withdraw their help and support from their ageing parent , they will almost inevitably feel guilty .
26 He must be very circumspect in avoiding all covetousness , keeping his word , even though it be to his own hindrance , for country people do much esteem their word .
27 ‘ So do we accept that she did merely close it later ?
28 He did so hope I was enjoying myself .
29 He did so hope I was not bored with country life .
30 She did so want him to kiss her .
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