Example sentences of "do n't [vb infin] in " in BNC.

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1 I was furious , and hurt , but it did n't sink in at first .
2 ‘ It just did n't sink in at the time — I did n't quite realise what was happening .
3 A lot of things just did n't sink in .
4 If the message did n't sink in on a Sunday a range of weeknight meetings reinforced it .
5 If I say to you behaviourism is about di dum di dum and I did but obviously it did n't sink in at the time .
6 It did n't sink in until after she had gone .
7 I did n't sleep in , I were up .
8 Yeah , I did n't walk in till half nine .
9 She did n't move in until the day she got married .
10 She did n't ah , she did n't move in till after us , Aug in the August sort of thing , the summer that we moved in , a couple of years ago
11 I mean , you can say for example that the Government did n't bring in registration , licensing of food premises , only brought in a register .
12 ‘ They did n't break in , ’ said Marie .
13 And I 'm just gon na say you know , I think it would be better if Scott did n't rush in like that , you know ?
14 Nigel of course did n't give in to blackmail .
15 She did n't give in to it .
16 she did n't give in to 'em did she ?
17 she did n't give in , they did n't accomplish any thing , I remember the bin man strike , how many week 's was that , that the rubbish was all
18 ‘ I did n't go in and change Illona .
19 We did n't go in to try to do a hit record , just a documentary , homecoming get-together with a bunch of friends .
20 The Admiral did n't go in much for saluting .
21 I said I was n't cuttin' no-one 's throat , I did n't go in for it .
22 ‘ But it only looked as if it did n't go in , ’ said Uncle Albert .
23 ‘ It did n't go in till nearly eleven . ’
24 " We found it , " he said and lied , " but we did n't go in or anything .
25 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
26 ‘ I did n't go in , ’ said Constance .
27 ‘ And she did n't go in for violent amateur dramatics with a bunch of friends ? ’
28 We did n't go in always , we used to If we were on the top of the hill we used to watch from the top .
29 How was she to explain that she did n't go in for this high-profile look ?
30 My family did n't go in for that sort of thing .
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