Example sentences of "do she [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mortified at what she had done she leapt out of her seat and collided with a waiter , sending the plate of egg fried rice he was carrying flying through the air .
2 And she knew herself to look better , clad in what passed for finery these days , than she did in the house where with so much work to do she had not a moment to spare for her appearance .
3 Did she marry out there ? ’
4 When did she move in ?
5 Yeah but when did she move in though ?
6 Did she wade straight in with a blunt announcement or should she try to approach the subject from a more oblique angle which might encourage him to guess ?
7 When had she ever cared and why did she care so sharply now ?
8 Did she stay here at that time ?
9 ‘ Why did she stay on here if she dislikes him so much ? ’
10 Did she stay up here ?
11 After that , while never again did she stay long enough to have supper — or do the washing-up — Rosemary , still popping across to Leith 's and Sebastian 's flat at any time , accepted about two invitations in particular each week for coffee .
12 But his lack of affection for her did n't lessen her love for him , nor did she give up hope that she would one day be able to make him feel genuinely fond of her .
13 Er Did she give up smo did she say she gave up smoking ?
14 But not until the following May , when the whole Council had united to demand intervention , did she give in .
15 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
16 she did she went on talking through the letter box to them
17 Did she go up on the bus ? ’
18 ‘ Why did she go away ? ’
19 Which course did she go on .
20 Did she go on ?
21 How did she go on
22 Did she go out now and , if so , with whom ?
23 Why did she go out and buy that obvious representation of a landscape she wanted to escape , the figures moving noiselessly under the shadow of the mill ?
24 Where did she go then ?
25 Oh ooh half past three What time did she go off , half past one ?
26 Did she go along with a friend ?
27 As she heard him come back she refrained from looking out of her window , nor did she go down to the corridor outside his room when , a little later , she heard him groaning as he always did in the grip of a nightmare .
28 Did she go back to the name Tatham ? ’
29 Yeah What about that one did she go back to her own bed ?
30 Did she do well ?
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