Example sentences of "do not the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the DTI had failed to act when it had known of irregularities within the firm , did not the Government have a moral obligation towards the dupes ?
2 And on a wider scale , theorists maintained that life amounted to the survival of the fittest : did not the Beesley hypothesis prove that the ‘ fittest ’ were merely the most cunning ?
3 Did not the master ‘ gain an advantage out of the continuing relationship ’ with the sailors ?
4 The dealers and auctioneers are clearly dishonest men , for did not the newspapers contain , almost daily , stories of this or that forgotten family possession , found in an attic or lumber room or trunk , and fetching colossal sums ?
5 I said that , as brewers never sell beer at a loss , why did not the brewers knock £30 or £40 off the price of a barrel to the tenants of their tied houses in the first place ?
6 Did not the road lead uphill all the way to Olympus ?
7 Many of those who rode along the line from Stockton to Darlington on that day ‘ did not the night before sleep a wink …
8 In view of that , did not the Secretary of State pause to conclude that whatever NATO may require , there is no requirement for the United Kingdom to have its own tactical air-to-surface missile ?
9 Did not the remarks made yesterday by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer reinforce that policy ?
10 However they were threatened that if they did not the Abbey would be burnt down .
11 Did not the patients charter cost £2 million to publicise and launch and was it not £2 million worth of Conservative propaganda ?
12 Did not the car , when it stopped here , pick up a fine young woman ? ’
13 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
14 Do not the members of the Government Front Bench think that my remarks are important ?
15 Do not the problems of the third world , which is still suffering economic deprivation , need to be addressed ?
16 If they do not the court may hold a rule invalid .
17 Do not the upholders of law have daily experience of the fact that the greedy society so desired by Conservative Members must inevitably be a bad one ?
18 Why do not the Bishops of England and Wales sit down and ask themselves why there is a shortage of priests , why there are not many vocations , and why laity are lapsing in numbers , including many young people ?
19 Devolution may in due course come to Northern Ireland , but before it arrives do not the Government have it in their power , at a stroke , to restore some degree of democracy to the people of Ulster by establishing a Select Committee ?
20 Do not the Government need to give more attention to devising a regional strategy within Europe ?
21 Why do not the Government copy Labour 's policy of supporting our police forces by substantially increasing the number of bobbies on the beat in a self-financing fashion ?
22 Why do not the Government even now get rid of the tax concessions for private health insurance and put the £60 million saved straight into fighting cancer ?
23 Why do not the Government abolish the whole damn lot and give the people a free run for Christmas ?
24 of total local government expenditure , why do not the Government pay 100 per cent. ?
25 Why do not the Government abolish local rates in Scotland and pay a 100 per cent .
26 Why do not the Government set up — as the Labour party will when it takes office in a few months — a national crime prevention council to co-ordinate the work of all the Departments of state in crime prevention ?
27 Erm , amateur societies just ca n't exist without loyal officers and those officers have shown their loyalty by s standing again and we know the special circumstances appertaining to the , which brings us to the nitty- gritty now erm you said we have , Tracy , five erm perhaps you 'd better read those names out for us and then I think the best thing to do is to have a closed vote , where we give you all a piece of paper on which you state your nomination folded up so nobody else can see we 'll put them in a bag and then we 'll appoint a couple of to count the vote so that we do not the chairman .
28 Do not the figures reveal that those independent oil analysts who , in the early and middle 1980s , forecast a substantial depletion of United Kingdom resources in the early 1990s got it wrong ?
29 Do not the figures given by my hon. Friend underline the point that many pensioners are well off — and we welcome that — and that that is a justification of the Government 's policy of targeting extra help on those who really need it ?
30 Do not the figures also herald the demise of the flying pickets , rent-a-mobs , people with crowbars , people who fire ball bearings at horses and place cheesewire across the throats of horses and people who drop concrete slabs off bridges , all of which would stop inward investment into the United Kingdom ?
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