Example sentences of "do he [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 At one point he rephrases the central dilemma of innovation and in so doing he implies that the most important characteristic of a school 's internal organisation is a ‘ collaborative professional relationship ’ among teachers .
2 Only on his way home did he suddenly realize that illness could have prevented her from meeting him , and only when he entered the farmhouse that evening did he discover that she was dead .
3 Did he suppose that Jaq had made a joke ?
4 Did he mean that Mungo was not welcome here ?
5 But did he mean that he actually sat waiting outside the U.S. Consulate ?
6 Did he mean that the constitution must exist prior in time to the government or that the principles of the constitution should be superior in character , and binding in authority , to the actions of government ?
7 Or , since Johnson was dead when the Journal was published , did he mean that Johnson read the later stages of the manuscript as Boswell worked his way through it ?
8 Did he mean that he was on holiday because it was Sunday , or did he mean that he was on holiday in the area ?
9 Did he mean that he was on holiday because it was Sunday , or did he mean that he was on holiday in the area ?
10 In vain did he protest that he was here on holiday and nothing else .
11 Does Mike have some er Georgian Hotel , look at that Christmas jokes , Daddy , Eddie 's broken my new dog how did he do that I hit him on the head with it Why is Father Christmas unemployed ?
12 And to whom did he swear that they should not enter his rest ?
13 So much did he dread that his own was a case of ‘ redemption by parricide ’ that he emphasized the unwillingness with which he accepted the divine call with language which is exaggerated and almost coarse .
14 Nor did he suggest that the government of the Third Reich used the 1936 Olympiad as a propaganda vehicle for the German Nazi Party .
15 Little did he realise that doubling up 63 times produces an astronomical total ( 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 ) ; there was n't that much corn in the entire world !
16 Only when he was at last on his way , did he realise that he wanted a woman .
17 At the time when the Prime Minister said that if his policies ’ were not hurting , they were not working , ’ did he realise that those policies would cause the longest recession since the 1930s ?
18 Not till they had come up onto the green did he realise that the figure in waterproofs pulling the doctor 's trolley was Chris .
19 Did he realise that she could see him ?
20 Did he think that her curiosity was leading up to something ?
21 Did he think that the Rubenesque figure was still fashionable ?
22 When the right hon. Gentleman wrote that , did he think that he would end up making exactly that ’ dishonest and absurd ’ promise himself ?
23 So when did he admit that he only wanted your money ? ’
24 On that view why did he stress that both the label-switching and the removal from the shelves had to take place ?
25 Why did he conclude that fifty millesimals were better ?
26 But why did he feel that there was something more , and why was n't he acting on that instinct , the way that he 'd always acted ?
27 Aylwin , however , stated that he did not wish to accept such an offer , nor did he feel that it was justified , given that he had agreed to be elected for a four-year period and that to alter the term of office ( by amending the Constitution ) " would be to change the rules of play of our democratic co-existence " .
28 So well did he play that he was named man of the match .
29 And only when he got it did he accept that his day had arrived .
30 Little did he know that , for the saddest of reasons , he was going to be thrust into the national , even international spotlight .
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