Example sentences of "do not [vb infin] in " in BNC.

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1 What 's in it for the businesses is this : at the moment they can see Eastern Europe as an emerging market , but it 's very difficult to get in there because the hard cash and the skills that they need do n't exist in those countries , but they want to do something , they want to demonstrate their interest , they want to make contact , and what Enterprise Europe gives them is the opportunity to make a good business contact amongst one the young generation of er of business leaders in those countries er in order , and keep those contacts in order that when they do have an opportunity to go into those markets they 've got some young people there to start off with .
2 But perhaps when you 're lying down on the floor and tied up by little people you can hardly see and do n't believe in , that 's not the best time to start communicating .
3 When he was reviled , he did not revile in return ; When he suffered he did not threaten But trusted to him who judges justly .
4 And yet … the sun might shine , but it did not shine in her life .
5 Wilson in particular did not shine in comparison .
6 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
7 ‘ [ the appellants ' ] ordered documents may show not only what inquiries the appellants made or did not make in the performance of their duties as auditors , but what they were told and by whom ,
8 Maisie was also guilty of one of Al-Kaysi 's key errors , leaving the house excessively — a practice he quite clearly did not relish in women .
9 The tests show people with symptomless HIV did not benefit in terms of survival or spread of the disease , whether they took the drug immediately on diagnosis or waited for the onset of infection .
10 The number of community psychiatric nurses in Newham was less than half that of Ipswich , and the hospital social workers did not intervene in cases where a client had not been an inpatient .
11 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
12 We did not go in search of miracles , we invited them to come to us .
13 Demand for prospectuses has been such that an Independent scribe seeking a Warburgs telephone number for publication was told the firm really would prefer that it did not appear in print .
14 Paul Biya did not appear in public for over six months , and his position has never fully recovered in spite of winning a new term in the March 1988 presidential election .
15 Franklin 's name did not appear in isolation .
16 Nicholson did not appear in the film and was used as a production assistant by Corman ; but it is worth mentioning because it was a significant moment in Hollywood history , inspiring as it did a succession of similar films when other producers noticed that The Wild Angels grossed eight million dollars in no time at all , and had been made on a shoestring budget .
17 The more radical critics within the party did nevertheless ensure that the reference to three types of school did not appear in the 1944 Act ( or , indeed , the 1943 Bill ) .
18 Incidentally , the twelve signs of the zodiac did not appear in Egypt until the Hellenistic period , nor is there any trace of astrological ideas there before then .
19 The story was by one Paul Hiebert and did not appear in book form until 1947 .
20 Homoeopathy officially came into being in 1796 ( although this name did not appear in print until 1807 ) and the first edition of his Organon of Rational Healing was published in Dresden in 1810 .
21 The error did not appear in the original text of Anthony Lee 's article , but resulted from changes made to the piece during the editing process .
22 On contacting the 359th Fighter Group Association , we were surprised to find that 42–106929 did not appear in the Group 's official history , which listed Lt Ferris 's crash , but not his aircraft .
23 Among the items saved was a portrait of Lord Liverpool by Sir Thomas Lawrence , which did not appear in the catalogue and which has gone to the National Portrait Gallery .
24 Local gossips noted that her husband , Darnley , did not appear in Jedburgh until the crisis was over ; and then , incensed by the attendant nobles ' cool reception , he stayed only one night and possibly did not even visit Mary .
25 It did not outlaw indirect discrimination and indeed the concept of indirect discrimination did not appear in the legislation .
26 Educational accountability emerged in the United States earlier than the United Kingdom , where the term did not appear in an official document until the publication of the ‘ Green Paper ’ .
27 We have heard extensive submissions in this court from Miss Mary Arden ( who did not appear in the court below ) on behalf of the appellant .
28 We are grateful to her and to Mr. Michael Crystal ( who likewise did not appear in the court below ) on behalf of the Crown , for their assistance .
29 Games did not appear in the curriculum .
30 George Neilson in Scotland [ q.v. ] , and Goddard Orpen in Ireland , she was to prove in a stream of articles and books that motte and bailey castles did not appear in these isles until after the Norman invasion .
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