Example sentences of "they would [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were told also that half of them would face redundancy .
2 Naked women cycled energetically round an indoor track as spectators placed bets on which of them would reach orgasm first from the rubbing of clitoris on saddle .
3 Oh , the powerful lords owed my brother , and now me , monies but none of them would dare renege .
4 The difficulty was that the evangelicals took a low view of the deans and chaplains of colleges , and did not expect that anything run by them would have force and challenge .
5 Consider the variety of ways in which humans spend their time and ask which of them would have value if they occurred , miraculously , in a kind of vacuum .
6 A recent survey of Scottish gynaecologists revealed that 99 per cent of them would recommend HRT , given the right medical circumstances .
7 Large body-size would , in fact , isolate them from their thermal environment because they would exchange heat at lower rates .
8 Hopefully they would feel compassion for this victim of sexual abuse .
9 No doubt , they would pay great attention to what the local authority consider should be done , because they would want evidence as to the best way that the nuisance could be abated , but the decision is the decision of the Justices .
10 They 'd want a , they would want class revolution through , through
11 Still , it was very beautiful and , after all , there was an article to write , they would want background shots .
12 The gods had drawn them together , and together for 10 years or so they would make music , exploring the world and themselves , unharried by outside pressures , responding only to the more meaningful pressures of life and love .
13 And Lucy knew they were there to be lovers , Jay knew like her heartbeat that they would make love .
14 All that mattered was the next time he would see Kate ; beyond that he looked forward with an urgency that hurt to the first time they would make love .
15 In the afternoon they would make love , with the great windows open to the sky , and a hot , heavy summer rain falling , crushing the flowers and filling the air with the scent of roses …
16 Then Damian would start to caress her , his hands wringing that torturous response from her , and they would make love again until they sprawled together in exhaustion .
17 Though his critics maintain they were trying to be constructive and wanted him to stay , Sutton was convinced that the criticism had been organized in advance as a warning that if he did not go , as Pilger was demanding , they would make life hell for him .
18 In his opinion , they would make peace on almost any terms , they were shot through with cowardice , they lived in a perpetual funk .
19 Knowing that they would make fun of him , he had been very careful not to say her new name in front of Tom Fish .
20 They would transform madness to lunacy and cure it with the three Ms : method , meat and morality .
21 Members of the medical faculty said they would fax press reports of the Peking democracy movement to as many recipients as they could find in China , to overcome censorship .
22 In the afternoon they would don chamois gloves and make aimless ritual drives into the Green Belt , in-laws glumly ensconced in the back-seat , stopping at the side of an arterial road to circulate solemnly a vacuum flask .
23 Erm and so it was sort of going to the corner shop and buying what they could , er when they had the money , and sometimes they would borrow money from somebody whose benefit came on a different day .
24 Those in more technical areas had a greater sense of optimism because they would leave university with practical training .
25 They would undertake responsibility for all aspects of the employment relationship including trade unions and government legislation relating to labour matters.l Sometimes the two functional concerns were closely linked ,
26 In March 1989 Hungary became the first East European state to accede to the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees ( under which states agreed not to expel refugees or return them to their homeland if they would face persecution there ) .
27 They would extend council monopolies in housing and in schooling .
28 They would drink side by side with City workers , but would never quite bridge the communication gap .
29 The roster of companies signed up to offer or make available the object-oriented NeXTstep environment grew still more impressive late on Wednesday when Siemens-Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG , Epson America Inc and NEC Technologies Inc all said that they would offer NeXTstep on 80486 and Pentium personal computers from May 25 ; NeXTstep , $800 , the development system , $2,000 will be distributed by Ingram Micro Inc , integrated by SHL Systemhouse Inc .
30 Their first objective would be to capture quick-firing 20mm and 40mm guns around these positions : secondly , they would hold perimeter bridges leading to the south and west sides of the submarine basin and the dry-dock while others gave close protection to the demolition parties .
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