Example sentences of "they had [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The bruises on the neck and face and legs of the widow and her children were still livid on the brown skin as they recounted how they had run a gauntlet of fists and kicks and curses of their neighbours .
2 It was upstairs again , and now twenty-past eight , and she was informed by her apparent new friend that they had to join a small team to clean the toilets , which meant bringing the buckets down stairs , emptying them in the larger buckets arrayed along the wall by a side door ; then wash out each utensil under a pump and return it to its particular cubicle .
3 But when ‘ Happy Hour ’ cracked the Top Five , they had to hold a meeting to see if this was what they really wanted to do — they did , temporarily .
4 Readers became familiar with their Doppelgangers , as if they had turned a corner and unexpectedly confronted themselves in a mirror .
5 The welcoming party for Ali Bacher , first off the plane , and the 94-strong South African party was only a small one , comprising Jamaican and West Indian Board officials and assorted media , but all present knew they had witnessed a piece of history that only recently seemed destined for the next century .
6 They had witnessed a steady growth in circulation and were well satisfied with their achievements , even hopeful that things would improve .
7 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
8 The West Yorkshire Low Pay Unit found recently that , while part-time work was increasing in their area , women were actually being paid a lower percentage of local full-time wages than they had received a decade ago .
9 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
10 The RJO also confirmed that they had received a video tape from Israel of an interview carried out recently with Shaikh Abdel-Karim Obeid .
11 The presence or severity of the lesions contributing to the anaemia was difficult to interpret at endoscopy in 43 of the patients as they had received a course of H 2 antagonists ( n=18 ) or had reduced or stopped aspirin or NSAIDs ( n=32 ) , or both , before the first hospital attendence .
12 Despite a reference to the full accounts and their availability it did not , however , explicitly indicate that they had received an unqualified audit report .
13 Klaus Kabelitz , duty manager at the Inn on the Park , said : ‘ Police came in and said they had received an alert with a bona fide code .
14 On appeals against the assessments , the taxpayers having conceded that they had received an emolument as a result of participating in the concessionary fees scheme but maintaining that the cash equivalent of the benefit had to be determined under the principle of marginal costing , the special commissioner found that the school incurred no additional expenditure in educating the taxpayers ' sons other than on certain items of equipment and on food that together cost less than the concessionary fees paid and allowed the appeals .
15 People would believe that it was unnecessary to dispute the matter and that they had received an additional benefit for the injury that had been forced upon them .
16 They had observed a ‘ more thoughtful ’ approach from participants and felt committed to nominating staff for a second course .
17 There they had joined a large group of sect heavies , some of whom were armed .
18 They had joined a Gordian knot of vans , taxis , and automobiles that was inching forward at a pace that had set that little muscle in his jaw to knotting and unknotting .
19 They had endured an embarrassing fund-raising dinner , for which rich Americans had paid 5,000 dollars a ticket , only to discover on their return that the Confederation of British Industry had done nothing to follow it up with any kind of sales drive .
20 Although they had cost a mint , Aunt Tossie felt they were well worth the money , a fitting background for her darling .
21 They had organized a decoy system whereby Carolyn drove Diana 's car to entice her press pursuers away and then Diana would emerge from Coleherne Court and walk off in the other direction .
22 In addition to the squalor , residents suffered from prejudice when they had to give a Springtown address .
23 They had to carry a table out with them , which was set up the required ten metres from the shed wall , and the pistols were laid out , and the targets pinned up .
24 We were looking forward to some exercise of rowing , but typically when we arrived , we found they had prepared a gondola-like craft ( of a kind emperors used to go in ) on which we were meant to sit and be gently punted around while we sedately drank tea .
25 About one quarter of primary and secondary schools indicated that they had prepared an explicit statement of the health education aims of the school for both staff and pupils .
26 The unrest then subsided unexpectedly , but police rejected as unfounded the rumours that they had struck a deal with the criminal syndicates .
27 Detectives announced yesterday they had uncovered a drug-making factory in London 's Highgate capable of producing a massive quantity of tablets .
28 On Jan. 17 the police also reported that they had uncovered a neo-Nazi organization , three of whose members were arrested and another six questioned on suspicion of plotting the overthrow of the government .
29 General Motors of America believed they had made a major breakthrough into the British market in 1985 when they persuaded Foster Yeoman to buy four specially constructed 3,300hp locomotives to haul heavy stone traffic from their Merehead quarry to locations in the South East .
30 People from other lineages might not know of these particular marriages , but they had similar marriages of their own , similar reminders in their own genealogies that they had made a special and enduring peace with other lineages .
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