Example sentences of "they had [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The bruises on the neck and face and legs of the widow and her children were still livid on the brown skin as they recounted how they had run a gauntlet of fists and kicks and curses of their neighbours .
2 But above all , the Conservatives were impaled on the difficulties of saying why , since they had run the country for 13 years , they had not taken certain actions sooner .
3 By the time they had run the half-mile back to their barracks the tiger that had been stalking them in the penumbra had emerged from his cover .
4 They had run the city respectively from 1976 to 1986 and from 1986 to December 1991 , and both were protected by parliamentary immunity , having been returned to parliament at the general election .
5 It was upstairs again , and now twenty-past eight , and she was informed by her apparent new friend that they had to join a small team to clean the toilets , which meant bringing the buckets down stairs , emptying them in the larger buckets arrayed along the wall by a side door ; then wash out each utensil under a pump and return it to its particular cubicle .
6 But when ‘ Happy Hour ’ cracked the Top Five , they had to hold a meeting to see if this was what they really wanted to do — they did , temporarily .
7 But in their clumsy efforts to break the steering lock they had broken the steering itself .
8 In the discussion which followed the Zuwaya argued that five hours had passed and they had elected no one : in view of the late hour and the irregularities ( another Magharba member of the local Assembly , doubling as an electoral officer , was suspected of cheating and was escorted out by police ) it would be better to hold the elections another day .
9 But first , they had to replace the Secretary , Steward and Professional who all left in July 1920 for unconnected reasons .
10 Readers became familiar with their Doppelgangers , as if they had turned a corner and unexpectedly confronted themselves in a mirror .
11 In the manner which had stunned Cecil Roberts and the audience at the Park Lane Hotel , he denounced his opponents , shouting at them that they had turned the election into a thoroughly dirty fight .
12 Cardiff noticed that they had turned the microphone towards the floor now , but the clicking from the metal container had stopped .
13 As soon as they had turned the corner , however , he put his paper down and headed for the row of pay phones that lined the wall .
14 Once they had turned the Mount , with the full span of the ice shining before them , the two men gathered pace , at once in harmony and contention , drawing vigour from the presence of the young woman between them , who cried out , not in fear but encouraging them on to greater exertions .
15 In sentencing the three , Manhattan Superior Court Justice Thomas B. Galligan stated that they had turned the park into a " torture chamber " on the night in question , and that " the intensity of the violence that occurred … is something no rational mind can explain " .
16 ( 3 ) In the case of breach of warranty of quality such loss is prima facie the difference between the value of the goods at the time of delivery to the buyer and the value they would have had if they had fulfilled the warranty . ’
17 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
18 The welcoming party for Ali Bacher , first off the plane , and the 94-strong South African party was only a small one , comprising Jamaican and West Indian Board officials and assorted media , but all present knew they had witnessed a piece of history that only recently seemed destined for the next century .
19 They had witnessed a steady growth in circulation and were well satisfied with their achievements , even hopeful that things would improve .
20 He moved and the slaves cowered back , as if , thought Nuadu , they had witnessed the next part before and feared it even more than the mutilating of the boy .
21 They further said that they had received no formal complaint from Ahmed Ashraf .
22 As of early February , society officials say they had received no response to their request from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs .
23 According to the survey , one-third of home helps said they had received no training at all .
24 Azerbaijani officials claimed that the attacks on the border were the consequence of frustration of local residents that they had received no response to demands presented during the previous month for freer access to their fellow Azerbaijanis in northern Iran ( numbering up to 14,000,000 — twice the number of Soviet Azerbaijanis ) , and to rich agricultural land given over to border defences .
25 Chester police said they had received no report of the incident .
26 Darlington police said they had received no complaints about the missing company .
27 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
28 The West Yorkshire Low Pay Unit found recently that , while part-time work was increasing in their area , women were actually being paid a lower percentage of local full-time wages than they had received a decade ago .
29 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
30 The RJO also confirmed that they had received a video tape from Israel of an interview carried out recently with Shaikh Abdel-Karim Obeid .
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