Example sentences of "they set up [art] " in BNC.

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1 I took on additional work in the Council , bullying them to set up a committee to draft out statutory requirements for caravan sites — which later became the basis for a Private Member 's Bill — and still had time to dig the vegetable garden and walk miles with the children , just for the pleasure of it .
2 This would enable them to set up a business on a more settled and permanent trading basis .
3 So I teach them to set up the carriages as if there were not a card in .
4 And it 's this that inspired the pair of them to set up the Thomas Appeal .
5 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
6 Maxim had them set up a few yards away , thanked the boys gravely , and they sat down .
7 The people divided : Magharba to the north , Zuwaya to the south ; and the committee marshalled the Magharba into the northwesterly quarter ; they set up a teller 's desk near the goalposts , and the voters walked behind the goal-posts ; past a clerk , returning to the pitch where they watched , chatted , and listened to the count .
8 In summer they set up a video camera on Berry Head near Torquay to show close-up views of cliff-dwelling birds .
9 They set up a new organisation called the Sub-Tenants ' Committee , which would campaign ‘ not on political but on humanitarian grounds ’ .
10 There they set up a rear headquarters and resupply dump .
11 They set up a system of hotel coupons ( 1867 ) , through rail tickets , international ship and rail timetables , and guidebooks , and between 1873 and 1874 they introduced the Circular Note , forerunner of the travellers cheque .
12 There were so many journalists covering the Orkney story that they set up a pool system and took it in turns to go in .
13 They set up a ruck , the ball was passed back to Sherrell who dropped a goal .
14 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
15 In December they set up a new one to consider moving the capital .
16 Elite theorists rarely construct their own analysis of input processes from a blank canvas ; rather , they set up a pluralist ( or Marxist ) story , frequently a straw man , which they proceed to contrast with the darker side of liberal democratic politics ( and the impossibility of seriously reforming it ) .
17 They set up a satellite link with Tokyo and announced that they would charge only 5 per cent buyer 's premium instead of the now customary 10 per cent .
18 They set up a dichotomy thus : ‘ Rather than scheming as to what a Left-Labour government should do , it is vital to consider the political basis on which such a government will become a possibility . ’
19 Proclaiming themselves to be engaged in the most radical review of social security since Beveridge , they set up a number of ministerially dominated committees to explore options for reform .
20 However , some management education is provided in technical colleges which are not associated with RMCs and , somewhat concerned lest their work and status be eclipsed by nearby RMCs , they set up a separate pressure group in the form of the United Kingdom Standing Conference of Management Heads ( UKSC ) .
21 They set up a wholly-owned subsidiary called Information Products , which is now in discussion with an outside venture capital company which will take a major shareholding .
22 They set up a traditional Scout camp , to give the children a break from the harsh conditions of their day to day existence .
23 Green and Maskelyne embarked in the Princess Louisa at Spithead on 9 September 1763 and reached Barbados on 7 November , when they set up an observatory ashore and began observations to settle the longitude of the island .
24 On Friday 24 March 1933 they set up an experiment in which a mixture of ethylene and benzaldehyde was pressurized to 1,900 atmospheres at 170°C in the hope that the two substances would combine together .
25 The significant event is the landing of Goodbody 's patrol behind enemy lines in North Africa , where they set up an ‘ advanced-area cricket pitch ’ , for the purpose of ‘ morale ’ and to impress a visiting military VIP as ‘ a small patch of sanity ’ .
26 The children , their father Jim and other members of the first UK medical expedition to Everest , were on Aonach Mor , near Fort William , yesterday where they set up an imitation base camp for the benefit of the press and potential sponsors .
27 Instead , they set up an internal task force and produced a ‘ bowdlerised ’ version .
28 They set up the first important theatre in Prague in the Clementinum with the Czech language as its medium .
29 When the Countryside Commission received a bequest of over £300,000 they set up the Countryside Trust which is being used to make grants to assist fundraising for projects .
30 As they set up the now empty suit with its back to the door , half slumped over a control panel , he settled down behind the curtained entrance of the showers .
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