Example sentences of "they begin [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Shield-hung hurdles were brought out into the field , and bowmen and slingshot-throwers behind them began to shred the trees with a descending curtain of missiles .
2 The next hour passed amiably , by which time the two of them began to feel the effects of the day .
3 Mathematics is the study of relationships , and as children explore , they begin to appreciate the relationship between one surface and another , one colour and another and between various tools and surfaces .
4 It is at this stage that they begin to appreciate the fruits of their labours .
5 Catch their interest and spark their enthusiasm so that they begin to see the product 's potential .
6 For example on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that up it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us as Councillors well , you know , do this for us and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air _ there 's an awful lot of paperwork that 's got to be gone through and an awful lot of people to see and an awful lot of red tape , really , to get through first — I mean just to make sure that the thing 's safe and complies with health and safety standards — and that 's something which you have to get across to young people and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this and involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities and they 're less inclined , I think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
7 And that 's something which you have to get across to young people , and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this , they 're involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities , and they 're less inclined to think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
8 Many of the difficulties children get into as they begin to explore the immediate environment of their home happen because they do not know enough to realize what will occur if they , for example , put their hands in a rose bush or pick up a shining splinter of glass .
9 They begin to inculcate the dominant ideology from an early age , in the words of Esteinou Madrid , ‘ creating the political/cultural demand for the survival of capitalism ’ ( 1986 , p.119 ) .
10 They begin to give the colour back to Isaac 's cheeks , but they are as far as the storyteller will go .
11 The main problem that people encounter as they begin to practise the Alexander Technique is the same as Alexander experienced when he was developing his Technique , that is , an unreliable sensory feedback mechanism .
12 Only in the Scherzo and in certain passages in the Finale do they begin to lighten the texture sufficiently .
13 As they began to gather the berries , eating the sweetest , darkest red ones , and putting the rest into their baskets to take home , the sun came out .
14 All she knew was when they began to leave the straggling apartment block on the edge of town , because she felt him slide into another gear and the engine opened out with a deep growl , and then they were climbing , climbing , following the sinuous trail deep into a cleft in the mountains .
15 They began to ascend the staircase , holding Jimmy between them .
16 She stopped his hands as they began to release the buttons .
17 They began to institute the actual changes that were necessary :
18 As they began to turn the silver handle with the strange , serpent-like beasts engraved deeply into it , Fenella felt the Melanisms creep nearer .
19 They began to unload the crate , Mrs Mantini puffing and blowing .
20 No one spoke ; they began to unload the cases from the lorry .
21 They began to set the table , growing relaxed and easy , enjoying the formality of the room , when Moran came in again from the fields .
22 Two days before the President 's visit they began to dress the mast like a Christmas tree .
23 Katherine asked as they began to descend the gently curving marble staircase .
24 The others paddled and scrambled over somehow and as they began to reach the other side , Hazel plunged .
25 Probably in all innocence they began to use the word Baal to describe the Lord God .
26 When they began to move the flow of blood came back to their stiffened limbs and they felt better .
27 During the war they both worked in the local Heathcoat factory making parts for aeroplanes — he was Chairman ; she was on the factory floor — then in 1946 they began to plant the garden in earnest .
28 But as they began to see the possibilities of the data highway , they also realised that they did not have the technical expertise to build the sorts of switched networks necessary to bring it off .
29 Meanwhile , at the Works they began to implement the Railway Executive Committee pre-war plans of preparing ambulance trains for home use .
30 They began to untie the canvas at the rear of the lorry .
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