Example sentences of "they go on the " in BNC.

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1 Certainly keeps them going on the grounds that eventually there will you know we 'll be able to say and this is what we believed this long and you know this is what has been proved to be necessary .
2 Why do they go on the way they do , making a huge fuss about little things and then ignoring what ought to be much more important ?
3 From the dozen or so per week when the band is in the studio , there will be up to 100 per week as they go on the road .
4 ‘ With your average white guitar band , they go on the road , they get pissed , they f— anything that wears a skirt and that appears interesting , so you write about it .
5 There 's a loss of the work whilst they go on the course fifteen thousand
6 Over the last fourteen years forty two million pounds and if they go on the way their going on and the way they 're talking it 's all gon na be for nicks nowt .
7 Supposed to be following the family wherever they go on the beach .
8 Nothing to do whether it was you from , from Saturday he 's never been the same , will you pick up your pen before they go on the floor , what else have you got lurking on the bottom of your bed ?
9 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
10 ‘ Despite the appalling business of dropping GMTV in it three weeks before they went on the air , it was far better to make a clean break .
11 They 're now 7p above what they were sold at when they went on the market five years ago .
12 Their rugby was essentially unlovable , not because it was dull ( it was n't ) but because it had a rock-hard edge which caused opponents to feel intimidated before they went on the field — and sometimes with good cause since there were plenty of occasions when the ‘ manliness ’ of which Neath made so much was actually foul play , plain and simple .
13 She had been noting various titles during Joyce 's discourse ; there was a new book about bats that Edward would want , and one or two things she would like to get hold of herself — the sole perquisite of this trade was a surreptitious early pick of incoming titles before they went on the shelves .
14 See and then in the finish they went on the wire , they went to chain .
15 No they get nothing , they 'd get , all they went on the dole , well they used to get , they used to get erm , say yeah well you would get welfare benefit what we call the club , you go on the club and you see used t I , my , apparently had a private club , you could have both you see you had the private club and you got so much from the government , the National Health .
16 No , they went on the bus this morning .
17 Oh dear , they have n't go a dog , but they went on the dog walk !
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