Example sentences of "they have no [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd no internal passports in this tiny country , but from what he 'd seen of this building they had computers the like of which the Leningrad Militia could only dream about .
2 They 'd no They 'd no electric or nothing there you see and they 'd water through a well .
3 They 've no political wing like the I R A they do they ?
4 The workers fear it may be sold , but they 've no legal redress .
5 Police have scaled down the search for a multiple rapist saying they 've no new leads to follow .
6 You get some boys join the police , they 're blessed with brains but they 've no common sense .
7 I 've never actually spoken out , other than last year when there were a few incidents with girls where I sort of said well you get what you deserve , you know , if you 're going to operate such a sort of sexist situation , then you 're going to get very difficult for girls because they 've no positive images whatsoever , and I was actually …
8 The buses tell us they 've no particular problems , but obviously they are getting held up where the traffic is busy .
9 They had no short-term solution to the bomber and assassin and they knew it .
10 However Charles saw his conquest of Saxony , it must have seemed to the Saxons to be a religious war , for they had no firm concepts of centralised government , only tribal nomadic territories , and certainly no need for the town , city and county based Frankish system .
11 Lowell explained that they had no hire-purchase commitments and that the house was theirs .
12 Given that the majority was aligned on grounds which had nothing to do with policy , it was difficult for strangers to vote so publicly and at the same time to hold aloof from an alignment in which they had no personal interest , and which might even have damaged their commercial interests .
13 The smugglers refused to do this , insisting that they had no personal quarrel with him and would each go his own way .
14 Randall , for example , had a rather starchy personality , while Alderman Lewis , the ex-trade unionist chairman of the Midlands was rough and loquacious : they had no personal rapport .
15 In supporting the king 's right to Aquitaine , the nobility were seeking to maintain his honour and his inheritance , but they had no personal interests there to safeguard .
16 It was more likely to be someone for whom they had no personal feeling .
17 They had no personal loyalty to him and were too strongly unionised to accept his way of working .
18 Because they had no lasting influence , they were regarded as minor .
19 But they had no low dose folic acid supplements .
20 The clergy was , of course , an exception to the rule of hereditary classes ; since clergymen were ( in theory at least ) celibate , they had no legal heirs , and so the lower ranks of the clergy were open to the younger sons of noblemen or , more rarely , to commoners .
21 The Sheriff Principal , in referring to the views of the Sheriff , expressed some doubt as to the entitlement of the pursuers to recover 75 per cent of the contract price if they had no legal justification for refusing to complete the installation .
22 This week , the government decided to award the men payments , and the move is a coup for Mr Robinson and the firefighters , as they had no legal requirement to redundancy pay .
23 Maybe the agency would write back telling her they had no one foul enough on their books .
24 They had to struggle bringing us up so they had no real time to bother about anything else . ’
25 It was quite clear they had no real feeling for their mother , and were almost looking forward to her death .
26 At length they would turn the mirror on themselves and find they had no real identity , no positive channel for their new-born sense of racial selfhood .
27 However , while the advisory team 's views had the undoubted consequence of making many Leeds primary classrooms seem busier and more attractive , the beneficial consequences for children 's learning were less clear ; and for some teachers , the claim of ‘ flexibility ’ had exactly the opposite effect , strait-jacketing them into practices to which they had no real commitment and which they had difficulty in managing .
28 They had no real existence except as and when their lives touched hers .
29 They had no real control over their own lives , and were forced around by men .
30 They had no real chance of attention , let alone remedy or compensation .
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