Example sentences of "they still [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The aims which I put up there , I wo n't go through each one , I think are hopefully fairly self explanatory , the , some of those are going well and some of them still need a hard push , a hard push from us and a hard push from the clubs and the teaching establishments .
2 The University of Utah team made it clear that they still had a long way to go and would like another year to eighteen months to continue their research before announcing it .
3 In 1926 , on any economic criterion , they still had a long way to go , when , pacified by the placebos of the previous year , they claimed a moral victory , and vanished into the archives of oblivion .
4 From their point of view they still had a long way to go in rescuing their past .
5 At least they still had a phone .
6 Polly had total faith in Nathan 's seamanship , but they still had a lot of ocean to cross , and the radio was a source of vital information regarding sea and weather conditions .
7 Only today they still had a copy .
8 The comparative absence of protest in the fifteenth century may be explained simply by the fact that depopulation was less of a social problem , and that if a lord evicted tenants , they still had a reasonable prospect of finding land elsewhere .
9 Four of our six patients with active disease were on steroid therapy and they still had a greater absorption of PEGs than the patients in remission and controls .
10 But perhaps they still had a future life together .
11 But they still had a lot of ground to make up .
12 County were battered and bruised , but they still had a bit of bounce left and came back with a goal from Dean Thomas which sent Nicky Hammond the wrong way , only because it took a deflection .
13 The West Indian families have different values — they still put a lot of faith in education , but it 's the way they bring this home to the kids that causes the problems .
14 I thought coming forward Leeds played brill on saturday but they still looked a bit lazy and complacent at the back ( esp .
15 They fitted but they still looked a bit baggy .
16 What they call stand-by mo they do today , they still guarantee a day 's , it ai n't much mind you but they still get guaranteed so much a day .
17 Although they had had several centuries to grow into the landscape , they still represented a foreign intrusion for many increasingly xenophobic Englishmen , and the growing attack on their position made little real attempt to differentiate between ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ houses .
18 Last year they still commanded a majority — 54 per cent .
19 Of its predecessor , which became the third highest money-making film , actress Mariel Hemingway said : ‘ My lot have seen the movie 20 times at least and they still get a laugh out of it .
20 And they still induce a tingle within me whenever I hear them mentioned .
21 What is surprising is that even after their post-'87 conversion to the gospel of the groove , they still retain a belief in the power of the word .
22 Not many children are likely to have been to a circus ; but although they 're not as glamorous or as attractive as they once were , they still hold a fascination for children .
23 A Byzantine historian remarked of the Franks in the sixth century that ‘ although they have become Christians , they still keep a greater part of their ancient religion ’ .
24 Yet there is a place for drinks and slippers , and many younger and older couples can know about their mutual ordinariness so that they do not have to strive , posture or compete ; and yet they still keep a specialness and excitement in each other alive .
25 That subletting was widely practised can not be doubted , for not only in the cases examined was the number of proven freeholds relatively small , but , even in regions where they were most numerous they still formed a minority of all holdings .
26 Traditionally , local councillors have filled this role and there is no doubt that they still remain a most vital source of redress for citizen complaints .
27 They can not suck from a mare and must be bottle fed if they still posses a suck reflex or by stomach tube if they can not suckle .
28 But I seem to have hit on a compromise , a way to make them feel they still have a stake in the treasure , but in addition an enhancement of their family 's reputation . ’
29 They still have a problem in managing the demands of Bob 's mother , but this is now a shared problem which they discuss and handle together rather than a seat of battle for the two women with Bob torn between them .
30 An effort should be made , however , to make them feel that they still have a strong role to play in your life , and that their opinions are still valued and respected .
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