Example sentences of "they in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have a full match calendar , and we have left them in no doubt about our attitude . ’
2 The Home Secretary wrote to and held regular briefing sessions with Chief Constables , leaving them in no doubt as to what he expected of them ( Uglow , 1988 ) .
3 But his tone left them in no doubt as to his feelings as he grunted , ‘ I suggested to your fiancée , ’ he uttered the noun with contempt , ‘ that she release you from this ridiculous arrangement .
4 I left them in no doubt about how I felt on Friday and Saturday .
5 It leaves them in no doubt as to what 's required .
6 She 'll make mincemeat of them in no time . ’
7 But it solved the problem of Thérèse 's tantrums at night , it cured them in no time .
8 ‘ Then perhaps you should put them in a tumbler , ’ Trent suggested .
9 Ben had hardly put his feet on the ground when , from the side of the house , there emerged what appeared to be a mob of children coming at them in a rush and then skidding to a halt about three yards distant .
10 She struggled not to run screaming from the office , seeing the trip ahead , knowing what would happen , that desire , that overpowering excitement flaring up between them in a hotel bedroom somewhere on the other side of the world , dragging her deeper into a relationship that was already tearing her to pieces .
11 According to Cara , who had accommodation already reserved for them in a hotel in Mariánské Láznë , they should reach their destination by about mid-afternoon .
12 I got my part of the control lines together and carried them in a loop round to the kite .
13 Their souls survive as a ‘ collective ghost ’ which begs anyone entering the chamber to bury all the skeletons and bury them in a graveyard consecrated by a cleric of Mórr .
14 Can you put them in a roll ?
15 I will be keeping them in a 36″ × 12″ × 15″ tank with small shoal of Serpae Tetras and a Plec .
16 A lucky deal in 1863 caused his business to take off : he bought two sacks of Cape of Good Hope triangular stamps for £5 from two sailors who had won them in a raffle in Cape Town .
17 Later when he was hungry , he ate three of them in a row , washed down with bottles of beer which he said he did n't much care for .
18 He carried Michael Bonallack 's bag for twelve years in all , savouring many a triumph with the most successful British amateur , who won five Amateurs , three of them in a row .
19 Larger seedlings will block out the light from smaller ones , so try to keep them in a row at the back .
20 She patted down the earth in each pot , watered them from a slimy tin , arranged them in a row on the ledge , and darted back along the path to the house .
21 It has typical Sicilian plain domes , three of them in a row , and a Saracenic parapet .
22 I stuck them in a milk bottle cos I ai n't got a proper flower vase , but they look OK like that I reckon .
23 ‘ I du n no where though , without transporting them in a lorry .
24 Low stated that , if any Croats escaped into Austria , " we would guard them , disarm them , put them in a camp and later return them to Yugoslavia " .
25 Families may be placed high in these hierarchies for a variety of reasons — because they have brought with them the high status they had in their villages , because they have acquired status by helping new families settle here in the fifties and sixties and kept them in a state of perennial obligation , because they have gone up in class and ( as a Sikh woman in Newham told me ) ‘ claim status by pretending to be ultra-devout and criticising others who are less so . ’
26 When the Sheriff and his men approached the brothers at Winchelsea , they found them in a state of drunken revelry .
27 I have many reasons for visiting Van Diemens Land first — the climate is more like that of England and many of the Birds , I believe only pigeons may visit that island from the Continent , many are local species and others so nearly allied that [ only ] an inspection of them in a state of nature is possible to ascertain their being specifically different .
28 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
29 These are impersonal , instinctual wish-impulses which push the infant towards gratifying them in a variety of physical actions , Such as thumb-sucking , screaming , playing with faeces and genitals .
30 The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of the available techniques and the ways of utilizing the preparations obtained by them in a variety of applications which range from the simple determination of chromosome counts to the in situ hybridization of gene probes to banded chromosomes .
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