Example sentences of "they be [v-ing] as " in BNC.

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1 Many of them are acting as interpreters and trying to put a semblance of order into the chaos as the world 's press converges on ministries with fresh tenants and uncertain programmes .
2 Have they been playing as a strike pair for the reserves ? ?
3 ‘ You are surely forgetting , sir ; they are acting as your officers .
4 Braverman 's view is that work-study engineers are not contributing knowledge by their analysis of others ' work : they are acting as eyes and ears of management to find out on their behalf how quickly a job can be done .
5 The former mandatory distinction , between brokers , who acted only as agents for their clients , and jobbers who acted only as market-making principals , has disappeared ; as a result of ‘ Big Bang ’ , firms may now act as either , so long as they disclose to the client whether they are acting as agents or principals .
6 Similarly , since there are very few reported cases of sexual assault by women , save occasionally where they are acting as accomplices to men , few defendants would be female .
7 declare whether they are acting as principal or agent .
8 Certainly the company has a legal personality separate from that of the directors , but where the directors as the defendants take money from the company , they are acting as the company .
9 They will often utter the crucial part of what they are saying as a ‘ throwaway ’ line at the end .
10 It is also hoped it will avoid the much faster wheelchairs catching the elite women runners — who start five minutes earlier — at an early point where they are running as a group and hard to pass .
11 Mr Andrews believes they have been accepted this year because they are running as a family team .
12 The schooled children may be aptly described as speaking explicitly when they say ‘ they are red ’ but they are not being as explicit about what they are doing as Greenfield , for instance , is attempting to be .
13 John CW Symon ( Points of View , today ) writes : ‘ It would seem obvious that young hooligans do not think of the consequences of their actions … quite likely they do not think of what they are doing as ‘ crime ’ at all …
14 Although there are laboratories in Europe and the United States that can grow chlamydia , again they are working as research rather than service units .
15 Where it breaks down and you get a governing body that is split down the middle , where you get staff who tend to who might tend to go in an opposite way to the head teacher , where you get parents who are asked to make difficult decisions as with an opt out ballot , then I think that you have to look very hard at the way that that school is managed and the way that it 's going in the future , because those are the sort of issues that unless you get those right the future for the school can not be as bright as it is for one where they are working as a team .
16 Yes , I think it 's just to follow on from that erm about trusting children to give us the sort of clues that we need to be able to respond to , very often they do that in ways that are not directly associated perhaps with the anxiety that 's around , so that they may be expressing their anxiety by just generally difficult behaviour or by wetting the bed at night , or maybe being quite disruptive in their play , or provoking other children , and adults who are able to see that sort of behaviour as useful for information for us , so that we can respond appropriately , not out of anger and a erm judgemental sort of response , but in a way that we can support their anxiety by by not getting over excited and + and erm responding in a very aggressive way to the very aggression that they 're expressing as a result of their anxiety .
17 The er Britannic that was one of the biggest boats at that time of the day , they 're using as a hospital ship .
18 they 're using as a spoon !
19 " They 're acting as if they think I did it . "
20 The suggestion is often made that a couple should not be treated as if they were living as husband and wife unless the man is actually giving the woman financial support .
21 Cooks also published a far-sighted brochure in 1919 Aerial Travel for Business or Pleasure and by 1921 they were acting as agents for eighteen air companies .
22 From time to time they would engage in what read like mannered conversations on whether they were acting as Cabinet ministers or as purely departmental ministers .
23 He led us out to sea after four 88s in a long stern chase — always deadly , particularly over Malta — when I saw we were actually overtaking the 88s , I realised they were acting as decoys .
24 To village youths , whether they were acting as minor cogs of a cattle relay team or stealing a disliked neighbour 's bullock , it provided both adventure and a small additional income .
25 This analysis of the history of the visitors ' jurisdiction before 1873 makes it quite clear , in our judgment , that when the judges were sitting as visitors to the Inns of Court to hear appeals by barristers who had been ordered to be suspended or disbarred they were acting as judges and performing judicial duties which were an essential part of the administration of justice in their courts .
26 If I may say so the key point is n't it that a lot of the transactions you discussed were off market transactions , they were unusual transactions and the Financial Institutions that were carrying out those transactions whether they were acting as banker or acting a as broker , they would have had knowledge that those transactions were not normal market transactions .
27 if I may say so is a key point is n't it that a lot of the transactions you 've discussed were off-market transactions , they were unusual transactions and the financial institutions that were carrying out those transactions whether they were acting as banker or acting as broker , they would have had knowledge that those transactions were not normal market transactions .
28 whatever they were using as bait presumably some mackerel or something like that but , but as I was saying you could see it trailing through and then all , suddenly out of like nowhere this fish would come and like chase after it
29 They were speaking as a government minister was touring the estate , once described as the worst in Europe .
30 She told him about the new high-tensile fencing they were putting up , and the ten acres of daffodil bulbs they were planting as an experiment rather than consigning the field to set-aside .
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