Example sentences of "do [adv] know [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But see I do n't know Bet .
2 Well , I did not know wherr to look , shoutin' it out just like that .
3 This mere Englishness is usually called Romanticism by those who do not know Anglo-Saxon .
4 If you do not know love , question the nights , ask of the pale cheeks and the dryness of the lips .
5 They do not know fear .
6 The coastal resort of Skegness and Mablethorpe have long been famous for the seaside delights they offer and for many , who do not know East Lindsey well , these may be the only places here that they have heard of .
7 I said , I 'm having a couple of days I said , oh they 're different a but she did n't know row of them .
8 ‘ I did n't know press agents existed , did n't know what they were .
9 you know they might as well go to the toilet at the same time and all this sort of stuff and yet a little bit of information about that , how long does it take to put together ? and various other things you know where 's the staff manual kept I mean when I joined , I did n't know purchase and this sort of stuff .
10 I knew he could punch but I did n't know Razor could go down as quickly as that . ’
11 She reported that her supper had been a few broad beans swimming in oil , that the bread was stale and that she had been put under a woman who did n't know starch from steam .
12 He was basically directing the session because I did n't know Italian , neither did David .
13 In the Noah 's Ark was a guy who recognised me , but he did n't know Tamsin .
14 Well she did n't know English and you did n't know French .
15 I did n't know mum was shaving her hair .
16 After all , she did n't know Puddephat that well . ’
17 he did n't know goose shit from tapioca .
18 I did n't realize her family did n't know mind .
19 I did n't know daddy gave me you this film .
20 He did n't know gun was loaded
21 I did n't know mummy was there .
22 He obviously did n't know Iron Josh .
23 I did n't know yow 'd bin invited . ’
24 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
25 Now , I do n't know poetry from a hole in the ground and I draw the line at having my head sawn off , even if it 's to save my trenchcoat .
26 I do n't know crotchet .
27 Some years afterwards walking down here after he 'd been his for his silver wedding , golden wedding and so on er , coming down that dri drift down from the back he looked at me he said I do n't know boy !
28 Now I remember you quite strongly disagreed with the notion that in fact if you do n't know behaviour itself from w our own experiences , we behave differently in different situa in very similar situations and it 's based on our interpretation of the stimulus .
29 I do n't know lunch box
30 ‘ How do you know , you do n't know mathematics , do you ? ’
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