Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no no I du n no .
2 I du n no no .
3 The enduring point is that close links did not make finance the slave of industry .
4 Doyle did not let go of the girl 's plait , but he jerked at it , to make her sit down .
5 Meredith Jones — who relished his protégé 's roughness — was aware of that and told his friend Philip Burton to keep an eye on him , make sure he did not let slip this second and last chance .
6 All the same , he did not dare tell Balanchine ‘ it 's not working ’ , he thought he must try .
7 I tried calling softly , but there was no reply , and I did not dare make more noise for fear of disturbing the others .
8 Work was out of the question , she could not think about it ; she did not dare go to the tower , she felt she had damaged something : loose talk means hubris .
9 The difficulty was this : he wanted to increase the elevation to creep forward over those last 300 yards ( he did not dare exceed the two-pound charge ) but , as every gunner knows , increasing the elevation beyond five degrees can be a risky business ; it is not the great number of rounds that destroys a cannon but the high elevation at which it is fired .
10 But he had locked them in last night and he had done so on orders from the Gruagach so they did not dare rely on him .
11 Nicky looked crestfallen but did not dare argue with Constance when she was in this mood .
12 Vasilissa did not dare disobey .
13 Her body was alive , throbbing with pulses she never knew she had , and as she jerked her face away from his she knew he had once again defeated her , outclassed her , and she knew without a doubt that he was right : if there was ever a real fight between her and Damian Flint , he would take supremacy , she would be overpowered by the fierce excitement burning in her now , and he would walk away with victory on a scale she did not dare imagine .
14 The flower seller , Ms Sue Thompson , said : ‘ I did not dare say anything .
15 It was the first time in American history that serving officers did not dare say what their commander-in-chief had told them to do .
16 She did not dare say more .
17 Genuine elections followed , but the democratic rulers did not dare put their military predecessors on trial .
18 It was all she wanted to know and did not dare ask directly .
19 I would have liked to drink coffee in one of the smoke-filled cafés lining the boulevard , but I did not dare enter .
20 I did not dare take the whole brandy bottle , so I poured some into a smaller bottle to take away with me .
21 She was trembling , hot tears sprang to her eyes , she wanted to cover her face with her hands , but did not dare attempt such a defending gesture for it would have seemed a patent provocation ; besides she knew how to stand in the face of anger .
22 Soon their palms became sticky , but the boy did not dare let go of the hand he had so daringly grasped , for that would have meant admitting that he was perspiring and ashamed of it .
23 She did not dare let go but hung on to the rail , where another four hands also hung on , for dear life .
24 She did not dare look down , but she could feel the machine moving below her like a maddened metal beast prowling backwards and forwards in a pit , its metal jaws opening and closing , clanging and gnashing with thwarted fury .
25 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
26 No wonder the party did not dare publish that document .
27 But however welcome , such generosity did not help solve the central problem which was to find suitable homes for the children .
28 It bears the words : ‘ Keep Hold of Instruction : Do Not Let Go .
29 All over Europe homosexuals are on the retreat from public activity : it is important that homosexual women and men do not let go of their responsibility for their own lives , as is now the case in England .
30 The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself .
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