Example sentences of "do [pron] for the " in BNC.

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1 I said if I 've got to do a dozen sausage rolls for one I 'd better do them for the others .
2 Both thorns are tolerant of pollution and are tough enough to grow in open , exposed seaside sites regularly raked over by salt-laden winds , although these of course will do nothing for the autumn display .
3 A party that will attempt nothing for the unemployed at home will do nothing for the poor and starving abroad .
4 Firstly , I have been in football management long enough to know that team changes at this late stage will do nothing for the confidence of existing players .
5 Making it hard for directors to talk to outsiders will also do nothing for the cause of good management .
6 ‘ I shall do nothing for the simple reason that — knowing Doreen — it would be a waste of time and effort .
7 You look at the skill you did n't know you had , put a label on it and think : ‘ Yes I do do that ’ , whereas when you first walk in you think you 've done nothing for the last 18 years .
8 The first was that , with the passage in 1832 of the Reform Bill came the full realisation that parliamentary reform had done nothing for the emergent working class , except to isolate it .
9 It 's done nothing for the box .
10 It is true that right at the end , in October 1097 , when Anselm was on the point of leaving England , Eadmer reports him as saying to the Canterbury monks : ‘ I go willingly , trusting in God 's mercy that my journey will do something for the liberty of the Church in future times . ’
11 Harold Macmillan was by no means alone at that time in looking forward to a government of Mosley and the younger men who would do something for the country at last .
12 And I think that if people who are still smoking , and I think nearly every smoker is unhappy with their habit , if they will remember that and think that they can actually do something for the next generation , it 's not their fault , there are people out there , there are forces out there who are forced them to start smoking and who are trying to get the generation to start .
13 I mean , it needs to perhaps perhaps they can do something for the first couple
14 But he 'd sat there listening , with that sneering smile of his , drinking Ban 's claret as if he was doing the Braithwaites a great favour , while Ben , who 'd had his share of claret too , lamented the fall of the Whig government , which might have done something for the manufacturing classes , and the election of the land-owning Tories , that bunch of country squires like the Larks , who would not .
15 That 'll do him for the .
16 They had done it for the joy of creating , without having to look over their shoulder at the censor .
17 She done it for the burial club money .
18 Just a day after Kevin , 33 , visited his JobCentre , she joked : ‘ People will make sarcastic comments like ‘ She 's done it for the £7 child benefit ’ .
19 In this respect , the French government is right to have made the Minister of Culture also Minister of Education ( although whether they have done it for the right reasons , and with the right man is another matter ) .
20 The other girls , knowing quite well that she had done it for the benefit of one Geoffrey A. Machin , were shocked and admiring , but the convention restrained them from expressing either shock or admiration .
21 So , have you done it for the deadline ?
22 Not for the first time she wondered how on earth her father had persuaded the children to call him ‘ Gamps ’ and decided that he had done it for the sole purpose of driving her mad .
23 ‘ And after all he 's done it for the most altruistic of reasons-unlike Bill 's quarry . ’
24 ‘ I 'd only have done it for the money , ’ she admits , ‘ It was a bit of a mish-mash . ’
25 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
26 Maurin interjected that he had done it for the best , that he suspected she would spread silly gossip and it was sensible to keep her away from the English journalist .
27 I have just done it for the only time in the 23,400,000 minutes of my life so far , and I doubt if I 'll do it again , so call these odds one in 25 million .
28 Well Mr never been before at least I 've done it for the first few years that I was there .
29 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
30 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
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