Example sentences of "do [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We fuel cells have done our best You really put us to the test Exhausted now the charge is done Replace it with another one ’
2 The thing is that I I can do revamp it on computer .
3 Completer finisher well if you want something done give it to the completer finisher .
4 This pistol was so heavy that he could not , of course , stick it in his belt ; it was all he could do to lift it with both hands But he had been so enthusiastic about it that he had willingly gone through the laborious loading of its honeycomb of barrels , one after another , and now it was ready to wreak destruction .
5 The really depressing thing about the Middle East is not that outsiders have treated it badly , which is the tedious Arab refrain , but that there is so little outsiders can do to save it from its future troubles .
6 Its value for a compound represents the work that has to be done to return it to its elements in their standard states .
7 It was all she could do to admit it to herself .
8 Is there anything I can do to prevent it without covering up completely ?
9 ‘ However , there are a lot of good players from around Europe playing on the Swedish Tour and it made me realise what I have to do to make it as a pro .
10 For one thing , I suppose I do regard it as the moment in my career when I truly came of age as a butler .
11 ‘ We do regard it as a profile raiser , ’ he said .
12 to erm the hospitals and erm they would appar , I might be wro , I 'm sure this is the way she explained it to me cos one of the girls in the branches did explain it to me once , and they said they have a choice of joints , like the doctor would say er
13 There are three reasons for this : first , women dress differently from ‘ 20 men all wearing pinstripe suits ’ , making them more memorable ; second , they offload their emotions over redundancy much more quickly , making them better prepared to look for a new position ; and third , because of the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ , those women who do make it to the top are ‘ slightly better ’ than their male competitors .
14 What you need to do is to be able to provide a private sector a certain level of certainty , that the concession will be er granted long enough so that one can recover both your costs an=and certainly be able to make a profit and so er to the extent that the franchises that are being considered are short natured , seven years , er that becomes rather disadvantageous and unattractive er concessions of twenty and thirty and forty years , and and really thirty thirty to forty year period er do make it in fact make it very attractive for private sector involvement .
15 I really do want it like me flat and I ca n't get it like that .
16 We do want it in there Chairman .
17 He never did make it to the Academie , but being made international president of PEN , following Francis King , mattered a lot to him .
18 One marsupial , however , did make it to Sulawesi .
19 Towards the end of our trip , we did make it to Karakul , a day 's journey be jeep , to film a rare Central Asian gull , the brownheaded gull .
20 I did make it to the LSE eventually and , a dozen love affairs and three broken engagements later , into marriage .
21 Pointy-Beard never did make it to his feet .
22 We did make it to a boozer afterwards , though , and we all agreed it was worth making a note of for future reference .
23 More than two-thirds of those workstations which did make it into that market were Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations .
24 Bernier , in his role as imperial surgeon , did make it into the zenana complex , but was not much the wiser afterwards :
25 Fewer visitors there may have been , but those who did make it from Ireland said their traditional farewell to the town 's Queen 's Hotel last night .
26 F of F of erm and I think you do need it on that .
27 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
28 ‘ And Miguel , now that I look back on your little masquerade , you know I think I did enjoy it after all ! ’
29 My Lords , I think I made it perfectly clear what I did mean er I did qualify it by saying that of course there are times when patients do have to wait on trolleys for diagnostic purposes , for observation and for other reasons er but once an admission has been agreed , then that patient should be admitted , that is our policy and that is what we 're working towards .
30 oh , we do n't want to lose him before explore it , of course do explore it with him , that 's what he said you 'll have to ask Mr about it
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