Example sentences of "do [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They consume , destroy , and devour whole fields , houses and cities For look in what parts of the realm doth grow the finest and dearest wool , there noblemen and gentlemen , yea and certain abbots … leave no ground for tillage .
2 One description of the typical witch declares as highly suspect ‘ women which be commonly old , lame , blear-eied , pale , fowle and full of wrinkles ; poore , sullen , superstitious , and papists ; or such as knowe no religion : in whose drousie minds the divell doth goten a fine seat ’ .
3 They 're smart , the place is well maintained , and I think anything we can do to support the general thing there , and certainly the Ottery youth there is , is , is money well spent .
4 Once you have explored the first match — which you can do using the left and right arrow keys , press the Down arrow to find the next record ( pressing the up arrow goes to the previous record ) .
5 There may be a redundancy even when your company 's requirements for work of a particular kind to be done remain the same .
6 John even goes as far as to boast that The Borrowers is breaking new ground : ‘ In fact , some of the things we can now do make the special effects in Star Wars look prehistoric . ’
7 In the first months of 1950 both the British service chiefs and many influential figures in Washington complained that too little was being done to combat the communist threat in the Cold War .
8 As a former chairman of the leisure committee , I am well aware of the work done to promote the super leisure facilities provided throughout Wear Valley by the former Labour council .
9 Which of these you should do involves the basic decision whether you should copy the original words , or restate the content in your own words .
10 It induces nausea and thereby inaction , since nothing can be done to affect the essential condition : action requires illusion .
11 Could nothing be done to restore the traditional balance of advantage to the defender ?
12 Most of this work has been done using a standard binocular light microscope with variable ×8 to ×40 magnification , but extensive use has also been made of the scanning electron microscope .
13 When it is necessary to print a copy of a document , this is done using a standard laser printer of the type already found in many offices .
14 Unfortunately , this needs 2 command lines and must be done using a CLI command file .
15 Drawings of each species were done using a Wild M-5 stereomicroscope with drawing tube .
16 In nine patients with chronic diarrhoea and severe failure to thrive a proximal small intestinal biopsy was done using a pediatric twin port biopsy capsule after obtaining informed consent .
17 This means that resonant photoionization offers no particular advantages and photoelectron spectroscopy is best done using a monochromatic light source with more than sufficient energy to ionize the electrons of interest .
18 The estimation of call values can now be done using a hand-held calculator .
19 It can be used to cast off a group of stitches at , say , the last row of the shoulder ( when the shaping has been done using the holding position ) .
20 Site-directed mutagenesis was done using the phosphothioate method ( Amersham ) .
21 This may be done using the water-dipping method described previously .
22 RIGHT A variety of possible reconstruction can often be done using the same evidence .
23 What is curious about Carnot 's work was that it was done using the obsolescent theory that heat was a weightless fluid , driving a steam-engine like water driving a water-wheel .
24 Pre-banding , which , for example , can he done using the G-banding procedure described here ( Table 6 ) , does not survive the in situ hybridization protocol so mitotic cells have to be photographed , their positions located by either vernier readings or a graticule slide , and re-photographed after hybridization in order to compare bands and silver grain positions .
25 What exactly did I do to deserve a so-called friend like you ? ’
26 God knows what Tavic would find to say to dear , homely Annie Templeman , or what his favourite ex-girl friend , Mina Beresford , had done to deserve the lugubrious Bill Templeman as a neighbour .
27 Obviously there was not much that any Government concerned in governing the United Kingdom could do to meet the wilder demands of the " Left is Right Group " , but , since it was never clear whether these were immediate demands or merely long-term hopes , Cabinet office for Carolan and Under — Secretaryships for one or two of his more articulate followers contrived to keep the group within the Parliamentary fold .
28 Little seems to have been done to repair the various bridges and now , — " Ballinaby having presented to this Meeting an Estimate of a Bridge to be built upon the water of Saligo …
29 All that the plaintiff need do to obtain a restraining order is to show a prima facie , arguable case , and that the public interest in protecting the confidence is not , on the " balance of convenience " test , outweighed by some urgent public interest in publication .
30 What can Government do to encourage the private sector to fund more training ?
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