Example sentences of "do [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will not do to suggest that prose is always the inferior state , of course , since Edgar in prose is a better man than Edmund ( King Lear ) , as he is in verse , and Iago ( Othello ) works equal havoc in both media .
2 What will the Minister do to ensure that Wales gets a fair deal in research ?
3 Telford gave it hollow spandrels to lighten the load on the foundations , which also gives a deceptive appearance of lightness to the structure ; and the roadway does not rise to the crown of the arch , which was usually done to ensure that rainwater would not lie on the road surface .
4 While people recognized that ‘ unions are as strong as the members make them ’ little was done to ensure that shop stewards had authority from the work force .
5 Nor will it do to argue that state socialism is a perversion or corruption of some pure source , for the source has been so consistent in what it has given rise to , and so wrong in its predictions , that the suspicion of some intrinsic connection between theory and practice can not be evaded .
6 I am conscious of unfinished business : we still need many more new members ( and the newly announced bonus scheme for Sections should help here ) ; we still have more to do to broaden and cement relationships with other transport associations , despite what has already been achieved ; and above all we have to continue to strive for transport excellence , and to adapt and change to meet today 's needs .
7 Erm , that may or may not have been deliberate , but it 's very important , particularly within a group , erm of people in negotiation , who were clear about roles , and when I was out on the road , I used to occasionally take the out , and I 'd go and see my broker and erm , I 'd say , oh we love to do fish and chip shops , we love insuring fish and chip shops .
8 We advertised , in fact , for people who wanted to smoking but could do with a little help , because I really do think that women do need a little help , a bit of support to do this .
9 erm But I do think that women need to have much more of a sense of their own power , or at least of the fact that they 're not as powerless as they think of themselves as being , and so they can say when the tutor puts his hand on their knee or something like that ‘ I 'm sorry , would you take your hand away , that 's not part of our relationship ’ or something that just so they do n't have to feel so bad about it .
10 And I do think that sex is so private it 's almost impossible to write about .
11 There was a man , totally unconnected with the event I think , running away from a flaming van in Horseguards Parade erm and it was a wonderful picture opportunity for the world 's press to carry , but I do think that memories are short from this .
12 We should n't understate the effect , but I do think that memories are fairly short .
13 I know that the rules for feature-page articles are different from those for reviews , but I do think that Alan Clark , who was given large space on the Times ’ main feature page , could have got around to mentioning the book from which he had taken the material for his strictures of Churchill before his last two paragraphs : ‘ And yet , so docile and leader-oriented is the Conservative Party [ Whoops !
14 PP : I do think that Ben 's treatment of that last scene , at the end of the opera , was something that was quite new …
15 I do think that Brie is probably still unknown to you unless you have tried an unpasteurised variety .
16 Looking back into the past , people are eager for an explanation to be given to them by Thames and I do think that people do n't feel that 's what they 've had so far .
17 It is perfectly possible to catch rabbits while ferreting with snow lying on the ground , but I do think that snow makes long-netting impossible as the net becomes clogged , wet and inoperable .
18 ‘ I do think that men and women have different sorts of friendship and I 'm not sure that wives can ever understand male friendships .
19 I do think that Ken fancied me , and he actually said he thought I was beautiful .
20 I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life , but I do think that student days are among the happiest .
21 I did think that Madeleine and I …
22 I call this an alternative theory because it seems obvious to me that the committee did think that clause 12 was necessary — and I am not simply referring to the definition of ‘ deception . ’
23 I was n't partisan politically but I did think that choice was important , whether it was which brand you chose or which person you decided to deride .
24 Frau Nordern agreed , although not without adding a rider of her own : ‘ I always did think that Bodo was being alarmist . ’
25 But , she says , she did think that Ken showed him a certain degree of respect .
26 Papanek did explain that stories were commissioned on both Rugby World Cups , but both times they were not up to his magazine 's standards .
27 Calcium and cylic AMP also inhibit both NaCl absorption and apical membrane Na + /H + exchange in the gall bladder as do aldosterone and activators of protein kinase C in the clon .
28 Nevertheless , North did testify that Poindexter had supervised the November 1985 shipment of US arms to Iran , an important statement given that four of the five felony charges against the defendant arose from statements to Congress that he had not learnt of the shipment until January 1986 .
29 But , occasions do arise when positions have to be determined from the intersection of position lines .
30 As noted above , the Rome Treaty did not explicitly incorporate any regional dimension , but it did recognise that EC policies might well have a differential spatial impact .
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