Example sentences of "do [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm but finally , I 'm a Liberal Democrat , I 'm proud to be one , I was in the Alliance before , an S D P member it turns out , I 'm a great admirer of the present leader , Paddy Ashdown , and I think he , and all of us , have done wonders since the dismal days in late eighty seven , when our opinion poll rating was Well single figures and not even necessarily that bigger single figure .
2 Every man in her vicinity had found himself putting his best foot forward , and she had done wonders for the sartorial standards of the notoriously uncaring C1 division .
3 His ‘ Organ ’ Symphony , recorded in Les Invalides , never sounded particularly impressive on LP given rather cloudy sound which took the edge off what was obviously a fine performance , but CD remastering has done wonders for the engineering and the results are most exciting .
4 If nothing else , the jamboree has done wonders for the national dress .
5 This was not only a matter of pride but was also done to conform to the old City by-law which called for the cleansing of pavements by 3 p.m. each day .
6 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
7 ‘ While we support the idea of lifting in the line-out — after the ball as been thrown in — we would not agree with the quick throw-in unless it is done according to the line-out rules ’ , said Rowlands .
8 It is quite impossible , and very misleading to suggest , that pruning can be done according to the calendar .
9 Second antibody and subsequent incubations were done according to the specifications of a Vectastain ABC Kit ( Vector Laboratories ) and colour was visualized with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine .
10 Calmodulin was iodinated by Bolton-Hunter reagent ( NEN ) and the labelling of the blot by calmodulin was done according to the method of Flanagan et al ..
11 When this operation has been done according to the conventional wisdom you then decide whether you like where you are apparently going to end up .
12 Annealing of the primers and sequencing reactions were done according to the protocol with the Pharmacia T7 sequencing kit ( see Figure 1 ) .
13 The endoscopic staging of ulcers was done according to the standard Japanese protocol : Briefly , the active stage of ulcer has a crater without surrounding regenerative mucosa , the healing stage of ulcer has an area of deformity , a patch of erythema , and a small residual crater , and the scar stage of ulcer has radiating folds but no crater .
14 The way the digging is done depends on the nature of the site .
15 ‘ I 'm not going to make predictions about what could be done , because whether anything can be done depends upon the will of all the heads of government , ’ he said .
16 And the work that France has done to escape from the tyranny of oil has already begun to pay handsomely .
17 I am happy to say that my officials will be meeting representatives from the company tomorrow to see what ECGD can do to help in the present confused economic position in the Soviet Union .
18 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
19 ( b ) What can you do to deduce from the fact that at s.t.p. 22.4 dm of carbon dioxide contain rather more than ( c ) ( i ) State Graham 's law of diffusion. ( ii ) The ratio of the rate of diffusion of a gas Y to that of nitrogen was to be 0.366 .
20 Ms Clark conceded that there was ‘ little you can do to compete with the discount offered by School Book Fairs ’ , but urged booksellers to ‘ show the teachers your advantages ’ .
21 In explanation Van Valen put forward what he termed the Red Queen 's hypothesis , named after the Lewis Carroll character who found it took all the running one can do to keep in the same place .
22 We could always do posting on the side of the Conservative building .
23 you know , but I 'm there on my own I can pot do my hair , do what I wan na do go up the stairs , have a bath , you know , just do what I , drop my clothes where I wan na drop them and everything .
24 They refused to examine particular complaints or cases , did not examine branch files and did not interview rank-and-file officers ; in other words , they did none of the things that would have had to be done to get at the truth .
25 All right , so it 's a mystery , and there 's not a lot you can do to get to the heart of it yet , but you do n't have to let it get to you .
26 This year , I have been having a series of informal discussions with Church leaders , the voluntary sector , leading members of the police , probation and prison services , magistrates and others to consider what we can do to get at the roots of criminality .
27 Brett cited SERC 's announcement that the nuclear structure facility at Daresbury is to be closed in December 1992 , as evidence of the damage being done to research in the UK by underfunding .
28 Losing at home four two to Swindon , their arch rivals after being two in front , but I 'd just like to make one point clear ; do n't blame manager Brian Horton because all of Oxford 's matches that they 've lost this season has been through their own fault : lack of character out there on the pitch , there 's nothing Brian can do sat on the bench .
29 Well apparently Paul his his erm his mate up there he 's done works on the B T so he 'll set it for him .
30 And er they have got it now to a state of what I would imagine almost perfection , and that is that every man , woman and child of the population of those two countries er has got adequate protection and even a woman er who wishes to go out and do shopping in the contaminated er environment has the possibility of , of suiting up and putting a special er cover on the pram of her child and actually pushing this child with a special ventilator out .
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