Example sentences of "they [am/are] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I take it that the proceedings so far are conjecture — that the two of them are not in fact gazing into each other 's eyes — that Serafin is not waiting for Summerchild to supply an answer to her question .
2 They do n't want to know you at any other time … but most of them are n't like that here .
3 The incident seems to have been settled , but remains a warning to writers of climbing guides that they are n't above the law of libel .
4 After a clash with ITV interviewer Gary Newbon , Benn rounded on the ‘ armchair critics who said I 'm washed up ’ and blasted : ‘ They are n't worth a hand job . ’
5 " They are n't worth it , kid . "
6 They are n't on the whole , though some will affect the needle of a compass brought up near to them .
7 They have missed it , they are n't on it , they decided not to come — ’ At the far end of the train a door swung open and a man climbed down and shouted for a porter .
8 They are n't on call around the clock for emergency care .
9 ‘ Even if they are n't for my eyes , ’ he had added with a twinkle .
10 These mothers may seek maturity through maternity , but that 's not the same as domesticity — they are n't into being earth mothers , mega-chefs or craftswomen .
11 And , road accidents , we talk about them a lot , and we 've discussed about charging for them , or whether we should n't and all the rest of it , they are n't about bits of squashed metal , they 're about people .
12 For if they are n't by Carver , then they 're by two close contemporaries of his who , on the evidence of the music itself , were comparably important composers — and thus they constitute even more precious evidence for the flourishing state of Scots musical culture in the first half of the 16th century .
13 But they are n't in a position to harass you as the British on their home ground would be .
14 They are n't in the assassination business any more .
15 But at the end of the day they are n't in that league cos most thieves are opportunists they seize a common opportunity that is presented to them by or it could be they 've actually just watched her go out and more of a chance .
16 But they are n't from here .
17 They must be made to understand that they are not above the law and that they are answerable to the people who elected them and whom they are supposed to represent .
18 When other meat is scarce they are not above eating carrion in an advanced state of decomposition , which suggests that their olfactory system is not particularly sensitive .
19 And they are not above using some sharp contemporary propaganda .
20 The difference applies regardless of what drug is being used , and it is still visible when they are not under the influence .
21 Nor is there any bar against seeing someone against whom you have made or are likely to make allegations of negligence , provided that you make this clear and the fact that they are not under any obligation to talk to you .
22 They are not without their own problems of course .
23 Time always mellows my impressions , if they are not at all strong . ’
24 ‘ Since then , our players have said they are not at all worried . ’
25 Women often feel that they are not at risk because they do not feel themselves to be associated with any of the so called ‘ high risk groups ’ and , although we are encouraged to have safer sex , AIDS does not really seem to be an issue for us .
26 But they are not at all the same , being invariably grouped into three — Polynesia , Melanesia and Micronesia — on the basis of complicated formulae relating to the race of the islanders , their languages and their geography .
27 He stood more in the classical Christian tradition , which insisted that self-knowledge and knowledge of God are intimately connected , but that they are not at all the same thing .
28 But , contrary to popular belief , they are not at all analogous to tape recorders .
29 Whilst these are perhaps the most complex analyses that need to be performed , they are not at present really interactive design programs ; they are simply used for the analysis of a specified configuration .
30 The " Big Book " of alcoholics Anonymous describes some unfortunate people as being " naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty " and says that " they are not at fault ; they seem to have been born that way " .
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