Example sentences of "they [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ah , Château Margaux ‘ 48 , ’ one of them exclaimed with great excitement .
2 At the beginning of the twentieth century Freud wrote about sexuality in children , which was , at that time , an original contribution to the understanding of human beings and the problems many of them developed in later adult life .
3 The cloudburst switched itself off as abruptly as it had started , and the moon , peering momentarily out from an ink-black cloudscape , showed a coastal desert of pure white sand backed by low hills of chemical-green and violent reds , cactus everywhere and trucks parked on the dirt verge , most of them painted in livid crimson on white — Optimista , Primero de Mayo , La Virgen .
4 Painter-signatures of Euphronios and Euthymides cease around 500 , and their styles of drawing can not be traced further ; but the signature Euphronios epoiesen begins about the same time and continues for twenty years or more , always on cups , most of them painted by one man , evidently his pupil and one of the greatest of the next generation , Onesimos .
5 I just do n't understand where father got them or why he kept them hidden like this . ’
6 By the next day , there were three angels keeping vigil by her bed , one of them clad in black applying cold cloths to her brow .
7 On the far side they came to the Sierra de Quareca , hills which , though not particularly high , did give the party — many of them clad in heavy metal cuirasses and leg-armour — some relief from the steamy , insect-ridden heat of the lowlands .
8 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
9 I found we used to have them mixed with sweet almond oil and soya oil , which I find this one brings out their aroma much more the grapeseed oil .
10 Earth Mysteries researcher John Merron has subsequently located the other points of the decagon and found them occupied by significant sites .
11 I put that as an amendment , not reiterating the entire Labour budget , but I asked the Liberal Democrats , who purport to want to erm provide that sort of service to vulnerable people could they not accept that extra half a million pounds as an amendment , and two out of the group abstained , the rest of them voted against that as an amendment .
12 On 24 July he had criticized the first version of the ecumenical decree , Ut Omnes Unum Sint : So although it is no doubt true to say that Pope John approved in general of the prepared texts , he was not deeply attached to them and was prepared to see them dropped without any deep sense of personal loss .
13 Detailed studies of particular artefacts direct attention to the varying complexity involved in manufacturing items , many of them designed for specific functions .
14 Both of them smashed in one jump
15 So far , about 40,000 workers have gone on strike in roughly 80 steel and engineering companies , most of them owned by western German firms or the Treuhand , the agency privatising east German industry .
16 Nairn , as a holiday resort , has the name ‘ the Rye of the North ’ , and along the shore and near the golf clubs — one of them built on that land donated by David Thomson 's great-uncle — people park caravans hoping for mildness from the Moray Firth .
17 There are good theatres in London , all of them built before 1920 , and I can take pleasure in the design of the Wigmore Hall and Covent Garden .
18 It is appropriate , then , that Ali has been the subject of a great number of pieces in Esquire , most of them written by undisputed literary heavyweights , including Irwin Shaw and Norman Mailer among others .
19 There is nothing anachronistic about the change of medium ; it was common around the time of the composition of these pieces to hear them transferred to instrumental groups .
20 Better in many cases to stick the photographs in at the printing stage and have them done by traditional methods .
21 The great German constitutionalist , Heinrich Triepel , writing in 1906 , looked back on nearly forty years of developments within the German Empire and explained how the early guarantees that the Empire would remain decentralised were soon swept away in the flood of new laws , most of them imposed by Prussian ministries and conforming to Prussian practices .
22 I would suggest that you glue the flowers in position to prevent problems , or carry them sandwiched between two sheets of glass .
23 It said villagers were forming detachments , many of them equipped with automatic rifles and home-made explosives .
24 I have discouraged the use of adjectives in the last two chapters but here you can see them used with superb skill .
25 Jose Martinez , father of a six-year-old girl and eight-year-old boy , says : ‘ I send my kids to school for an education , not to have them used in some political game .
26 Planning teams developing materials in a local area can have them produced on high quality equipment , and the materials can be available to others who may find them useful at minimal cost .
27 Closely akin to leaseholds , and like them classed as personal interests in land , are tenancies at will and at sufferance .
28 The countryside lives in fear of dacoits , many of them armed with automatic weapons left behind by the Japs .
29 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to node S of the inverting configuration and assuming that the input impedance between the inverting and noninverting terminals of the operational amplifier is high enough to neglect current through them compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 Consequently provided that A is large enough With respect to the noninverting configuration of figure 10.9(b) , neglecting the current through the inverting terminal of the operational amplifier again compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 so that if A is large enough
30 In this instance the Court felt that the immediate consequence of rejecting the claim would be to force the inhabitants to appeal to the United Nations Security Council , which would be an excessive burden to place upon them compared with local judicial fora .
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