Example sentences of "they [vb past] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 But Pau survived , and in the late 1860s was at its most popular with British and , by this time , some American winterers , with up to I , 500 of them registered yearly as staying or living there .
2 With that the three of them made off as best they could .
3 I wondered how many of them glanced down as they processed in their finery into the castle for tea with the Queen .
4 Most of them worked intermittently as hotel kitchen porters , and they slept where they fell .
5 None of them looked up as they passed .
6 In ready response , his embrace grew masterful , and they clung together as he kissed her face and neck repeatedly , each time catching her lips with more desire and more breathless pleasure .
7 They met there as fellow travellers , as masters and servants , as patrons and employees .
8 Passing the eastern spur of Mount Alageuz , they gazed intently as the broad bulk of Great Ararat slowly revealed itself .
9 The timing seemed fortuitous , for they expanded just as demand was booming in the Middle East .
10 Tucked in battle-dress pocket , gas-mask holder or factory overall , they created a link between the civilian and military worlds , and in the years of rationed poetry and imaginative confinement , it is no surprise that they sold out as soon as they appeared on the bookstalls . ’
11 They fought back as the enemy continued to bomb hangars and parked aircraft .
12 They operated mainly as market centres for local areas and , as such , they were overwhelmingly dominated by the countryside , where wealth and power were concentrated .
13 At first white-maned monsters , they plunged forward as dark shiny hump-backed whales , each wave a living being .
14 They swirled together as though they had been stirred with a spoon .
15 Darkling they drew off as best they could , dragging their wounded with them , carrying them when they dropped .
16 And er then of course when I got better It hit me all on the head and that well Then er when I went back to school they found out as I could n't see the board properly .
17 She was very attached to her brother Joshua Cristall [ q.v. ] , who later became an eminent water-colourist : ‘ They studied together as children , and hand in hand did they daily walk to London for their schooling when the family lived at Rotherhithe ’ ( J. L. Roget ) .
18 They played hard as well .
19 and er with my son particularly earlier on in his career things were going round and round in circles and in the end I had to step in at one point , grab all the papers as they came past as they were and saying , come on .
20 They tensed again as she paused .
21 There were the usual grumbles , but they faded instantly as the ambulance backed up to the entrance , doors already opening .
22 They fanned out as they approached , and the Hearthwares on the catwalk produced bows from the sheaths at their backs and notched them with pale-fletched arrows .
23 Watch how they escaped here as Digby was drawn off his line and Speedie shot just wide .
24 As captains , they served sometimes as leaders of small expeditions , sometimes under the personal leadership of the king ; as lieutenants , they exercised authority in castles and garrisons ; while others still served as men-at-arms in the armies of both sides .
25 They clattered downhill as though they were chasing an enemy .
26 They hung on as the plane made an emergency dive to a lower altitude when they pulled him back on board .
27 They broke off as Cobalt joined them , unlocked the car .
28 Evidently this belonged to the couple , for they settled down as though at home and made no objection when Hazel did the same .
29 As one man , which included several honorary woman , they stumbled backwards as we managed to heave the dog into a sitting position and slide him on his backside the last 20ft to the parcels ' office .
30 They flew out as we flew in .
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