Example sentences of "they [vb past] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Lots of them came rushing over to me and started stroking my face and wetting my brow and making a sort of wailing noise , and then three of them turned on Matt looking really nasty .
2 Byrne reckons they 've been playing brill recently and are just waiting for a chance like this — but he was talking before they got turned over 0–3 by the makems last night .
3 Gerry was taught to drive in nineteen forty six in the States , where they , they gone , they 'd gone over to total automatic , and he despised manual gears , thought they were a ridiculous waste of time and effort , said you want to concentrate on the , on the road , not on the car , but then you see Gerry improved himself , he was a
4 Well a a a at the time , they 'd just changed over from the erm Tenants ' Development Association , to the Tenants ' Action Group , so it was a bit disorganized to begin with , cos we were still sorting out the , everything from what they 'd left over and things , so , but once we 'd got that all so once they 'd got that all sorted out , yeah , it was .
5 After they 'd looked over about ten children , the doctor yawned and said , ‘ I do n't see any problems here .
6 And that the peasant associations had now become the , the sole erm sort of er th they were the authority , they , they , they began to take over control , they were th the leading the thing .
7 But then , one by one , they began to topple over like skittles , and in no time the green , shot-scarred turf was littered with unconscious figures .
8 He and Tony got on well : they started arguing over whether it was better to have two bits of black pudding rather than two sausages in the terminal café , and when that battle was over they started another about who was going to have the window seat on the plane .
9 She bumped into Cal coming out of the kitchen and they started arguing over who should make the tea .
10 Joanne Menzies arrived quickly and they started talking over a glass of whisky .
11 But then they started to fight over other things , and sometimes for no reason at all .
12 They included taking over from Sir Alec Guinness as TV spy George Smiley .
13 They aimed to pass over to the other side of the stockade through the gap between one section and the other , where the bridge spanned the stream .
14 Yet in each of those insolvent years they had turned over a good half million .
15 No you could n't I mean er at you know the the doors would n't be open be I mean you know , you could picture a wardrobe without a door , but you were working you were sandpapering that on the inside and er maybe brushing it up and down and then sandpapering that again and then they had to go over with what we call the rubber .
16 The companies vied with each other to find new settings for the basic story-lines and messages that they had to put over .
17 In their ‘ kitchen ’ ( a sink , a hot plate and a kettle , with no proper cooking or storage facilities ) , they point proudly to some Tory Party mugs they had biked over from Smith Square after the election .
18 He turned what little they had discovered over and over in his mind .
19 A voice that they had heard over and over again as they sat in Keith 's sitting-room .
20 They had to travel over extremely bad terrain on the way but by 13 December they were in place .
21 On the Vienna and Berlin routes every transport had its smattering of adult supervisors , who had to sign a pledge to return immediately they had handed over their charges to the RCM .
22 The further they got from the rave the more bodies they had to step over .
23 They no longer had to wait for the elusive Jennie to finish making a steak and kidney pudding before sanctioning an important business decision , but they had taken over in lean times and Doris began to find the strain intolerable .
24 ‘ You have to wonder how some of the big names would have coped if they had taken over at Tranmere — or at this place four years ago . ’
25 The town was the capital of the central Afghanistan province of Urozgan , and mujaheddin sources reported that they had taken over the administration of the entire province following the defection of its governor , its chief of police , and Tarin Kot 's garrison of 500 .
26 The three announced that they had taken over the leadership of the SPLA and accused Garang , who had led the organization since its creation in 1983 , of dictatorial behaviour .
27 According to the report local militias dominated by Uzbek , Tajik and Shia Ismaeli ethnic groups had formed an alliance with local mujaheddin units ( including fighters commanded by Ahmed Shah Masud ) in late March , and together they had taken over control of the city from Pashtun units .
28 The House of Commons Employment Committee proposes the establishment of a ‘ decade of retirement ’ between the age of 60 and 70 , which would allow people to choose for themselves when they wished to retire over this period of time .
29 He said Washington decided against helping the rebels because they refused to hand over General Noriega and because the US doubted their democratic good faith .
30 They attempted to take over the city ; for three days they fought the Viet Minh , and in the cross-fire Lieutenant-Colonel Dewey of OSS was shot dead .
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