Example sentences of "they [verb] got [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , they played well the year before they held their own see they 've got all the
2 These floor mats see they 've got little screw in things .
3 I can see they ve got this rule about players to be selected .
4 All things considered he 'd rather they 'd got rich , like William 's mum .
5 Sometimes he and Charlie would spend a Saturday afternoon playing a George Formby record again and again until they 'd got all the words of ‘ I 'm Leaning on a Lamppost ’ or ‘ Chinese Laundry Blues ’ .
6 Well , he was talk we were talking about the rave and th what was wrong with it and he was saying basically it was they 'd got four DJs who were all techno and they were like brilliant !
7 And th th and they would be police ones if they 'd got blue lights and
8 And these stewardesses you know , they 're only just tall and ordinary you know well they they 'd got black tights , got black'uns on you know , all wore black'uns .
9 When Twoflower said they 'd got better kind of magic in the Empire I thought — I thought … ’
10 And they said he never said much to them , well he perhaps did n't , he would n't do because he was like that you see , but pra before interviewing him on television , er of course the War came and India was given freedom , and er there used to be you know the Sweet people who used to have a big factory on Road , was a very famous sweet in them days , I do n't think they are now , but was a very good sweet firm , and they 'd got a daughter cos she was in the , during the War the Anglo-Soviet Friendship er she was one of the course they 'd got hundreds but she was one .
11 Oh Marks and Spencers when I buy those croissants they 'd got hot cross buns on sale .
12 The White armies would have beaten the Reds if they 'd got that cross . ’
13 Well a a a at the time , they 'd just changed over from the erm Tenants ' Development Association , to the Tenants ' Action Group , so it was a bit disorganized to begin with , cos we were still sorting out the , everything from what they 'd left over and things , so , but once we 'd got that all so once they 'd got that all sorted out , yeah , it was .
14 Heavens , how in creation was she to phone them to ask if they 'd got that part yet ?
15 If anything , they 'd got worse .
16 The funny thing is alot of the locals shunned to use it because it was such an unusual building and they 'd got used to their habits of using deserted claypits and rainwater .
17 erm I think it could be quite time-consuming for the teachers , at least initially , until they 'd got used to some reasonably easy form for doing it .
18 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
19 You see a working , well of course they do get them up nowadays , but in th you were supposed t to stay in bed for at least a fortnight after the mother was born but you a lot of these mothers used to hop out of bed when the midwife had gone , and , and I mean if they 'd got two or three children and a husband coming in and they had n't got a mother or a neighbour or somebody to come in and do the cooking , i I mean she 'd just get up and get on with it herself .
20 No , I 'm sure that they 'd got two little rooms on the ground floor and they were choc-a-block you could hardly get in !
21 I could n't have gone to a better place because they 'd got most parts of the country and one thing and another and I fitted their bill to a tee .
22 And I was looking and they 'd got red , black in one window .
23 The reason some of them failed to go to the causal ward is because they used to do a little bit of begging , and if they 'd got enough money they would perhaps pay to go into a common lodging house .
24 And they 'd got this eggshell in the bottom anyway and away it went .
25 I du n no , they get in on a Friday night he said by the time we 've cashed up , when I got there they 'd got this round coffee table in the middle of the room similar to that brass one what I 'm but it 's an old tin thing it is sitting in the middle of the room there was a little bag of money there a little bag of money there and a bag of money there that 's Geoff 's money that 's petrol money that 's five hundred pound .
26 Th th the final the final sort of sick joke was the fact that erm having having disposed of the fingers to the theatre , the hospital they 'd got this box of ice lollies so they proceeded then to give them to people !
27 I 'd say they 'd got harder , you should see some of the things we do in maths mum , it 's not easy
28 But they 'd got three left .
29 I mean they used to take things er the wedding ring , the jewellery if they 'd got any , towels , sheets , er suits , shoes , er did n't did n't want to sell them , did n't want to get rid of them , they just wanted to borrow money on those , and he used to charge you interest and ticket money when you took it in , and then you 'd got to pay interest when you took it out as well so it was , they were on a good thing .
30 You sold er they , they 'd got these sort of erm the old- fashioned , you 'd see them in the corn merchants where there would be fowl er feed .
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