Example sentences of "they [verb] the most " in BNC.

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1 And the council 's housing department is asking tenants thinking of moving on to help them make the most of the housing stock by giving early notice when they intend to leave .
2 The Polish presence in the city may have been small , but they made the most of it .
3 And you know I went into that film it was just being launched in America , and there was a sort of prologue to the film and er I did n't know whether to , to become terribly angry or , or just about cry because the prologue was as if Britain was a sinking ship you know , this was the last we would see of this great thing and they made the most of it you know , like er i the g the film was the old private schools you know the old w well the public schools in England .
4 So when they are sick , especially women 's things , they make the most of it .
5 Broadly speaking , their best strategies to cope with a Labour win would be to ensure they make the most of allowances created through the independent taxation of husbands and wives , and — where possible — to take income on a self-employed basis rather than as employees .
6 It is the only major meeting that the Belgians stage regularly , and they make the most of it .
7 They make the most noise — singing , chanting and shouting imprecations against the opposition fans — they run the most and they can represent a rather awesome spectacle to their rivals .
8 Your patha and physiological toxins are often sub-unital structure and they make the most , the momegictiture most widely used is an A plus B sub-unit structure .
9 Generally speaking — to my knowledge — only in deep water : they have them up in Coniston , we have them here , but it 's down in Windermere where they make the most of them . ’
10 They make the most noise : singing , chanting and consistently insulting opposing supporters .
11 They make the most noise — singing , chanting and shouting imprecations against the opposition fans — they run the most and they can represent a rather awesome spectacle to their rivals .
12 The reason why these had survived so long was because they required the most money spent on them — in the case of valley bottoms , to pay for initial drainage and then to maintain it — to make them yield their full potential of arable and pasture .
13 Of the many books I have read , the ones whose authors showed that they possessed the most joy and happiness were Epictetus , Seneca , Tagore , Thoreau , Kabir , Raidas , Ramakrishna , Rumi , W.H. Davies , Vinoba Bhave .
14 They won the most aways of anyone last season ( 7 I think ) .
15 We 've got a lot of different opinions there , I mean from my personal experience when I was a customer sales manager my , my students or particularly some of them , well I would say the brightest kind of people in the branch , and they had the most attention , and it 's very easy I think to write them off .
16 They 're the most strongly stained areas , they have the most vessels , therefore you choose to count them .
17 Okay , well I did try to motivate them , motivate them to make the most of each person 's individual skills .
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