Example sentences of "they [verb] over [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Both of them poring over maps and guide books , planning the itinerary of every marvellous day .
2 It uses them to turn over stones when it is looking for food .
3 Modern biographers suffer many accusations : that they trawl too widely and deeply ; that they pick over entrails insensitively , confirming Dr Arbuthnot 's definition of biography as ‘ the new terror of death ’ ; that they invade their subject 's most intimate quarters and lay all bare , regardless , it is said , of relevance or the feelings of surviving kin .
4 They peered over ant-hills and looked cautiously round clumps of teazle .
5 They are careless , they knock over tables and chairs , they leave doors open .
6 It could be some secret Franco-Agricultural plot — first the mad French farmers hijack our lamb , now they send over caterpillars to spike our vegetables .
7 Louis promised to help the Poitevins recover their losses , while they handed over hostages as a guarantee that they would keep their side of the bargain .
8 They climbed over stones and through narrow openings between trees , and at last they reached the very top of the hill .
9 They clambered over tussocks and humps .
10 He was laughed to scorn for returning with tales of people who actually ate the nests of birds , which they boiled over fires of burning black stones — seven centuries before the same black stones were discovered and harnessed in Europe to fuel the Industrial Revolution .
11 They do need an acid leafy soil , but they score over rhododendrons through being much more tolerant of dry summers , as the past three seasons have demonstrated .
12 Kestrels are popular with audiences at lectures , because they 're elegant little birds and also because , of all the British birds of prey , they 're the ones people are most likely to spot in the wild : they hover over motorways and are even seen in towns these days .
13 They come from Finland , America and Germany and they fight over mergers and acquisitions and venture capital .
14 In other species males have evolved special weapons with which they fight over females .
15 Aberdeen , the league leaders , are at home to Dundee United and Alex Smith , their manager , is contemplating ‘ at least one change ’ after last week 's defeat by Celtic which took away the points advantage they held over Rangers .
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