Example sentences of "they [verb] down [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The teacher had discussed a topic with the children , and then encouraged them to write down sentences constructed from words used in their own speech .
2 Both carry notebooks with them to jot down ideas for sketches .
3 Speakers at the conference also criticized the Department of the Environment for not providing local authorities with funds to enable them to track down offenders .
4 Almost every major city in Britain has a police force armed with plastic bullets , CS gas and live firearms , and trained to use them to put down disturbances .
5 BRYAN BEESON and Jason Nicolle , two members of the England team whose make-up has caused so much controversy , created sensations yesterday when each of them brought down members of Pakistan 's defending world title team at the World Open Championships here .
6 He is also sceptical or the argument that parasuicides and the unemployed are linked by personality disorders which make it difficult for them to hold down jobs .
7 Both the Right and the Left share the same awe at the thought of the miners on the move — they bring down governments , they are the labour movement 's prizefighters , our local heroes .
8 They track down drugs .
9 To get what they need , they cut down saplings and even trees with trunks a foot or so in diameter , gnawing through the wood with their chisel teeth .
10 True , the curia regis , de Banco and other rolls contain mainly names of notable , even famous , families , but they can also record the names of more ordinary folk : 1261 , ‘ Thomas Piket and his wife Cristina versus Ralph le Bret and William his son , and Richard de Langlay in a plea that they cut down trees ’ ; 1262 , ‘ Akyma who was wife of William de Reyney versus William de Bekeford for ⅓ of the moiety of the advowson of the church ’ ; 1318 , ‘ The sheriff to have here William de Bradewas , Matilda Bret , Henry de Knyghteton , Walter de Pyneford , John Keneman , John Weryng , Richard North , Thomas Tredy , and Henry Gledy to show by what right … ‘ , and so on .
11 They enclose all pastures ; they throw down houses ; they pluck down towns , and leaving nothing standing but only the church to be made into a sheep-house … the husbandmen be thrust out of their own , or else by covin and fraud or by violent oppression they be put besides it , or by wrongs and injuries they be so wearied , that they be compelled to sell all .
12 Apart from adding to the pleasure of a wood , they keep down insects which might harm the trees .
13 I sent one of my boys to the Guildhall , they sent down constables of the ward .
14 Back in Chania , the Calypso bar is filling with elderly Cretan men who click a lot : worry-beads clatter through their fiddling fingers , and they smack down counters on backgammon boards with ferocious violence .
15 They tore down pictures of President Ceausescu , cut the Socialist emblem from the national flag , and set on fire any red flags they came across .
16 They fasten on theological truths as on an armoury of big sticks , and they rain down blows on their long-suffering faith , belabouring it for being substandard and for failing to believe what it should .
17 They enclose all pastures ; they throw down houses ; they pluck down towns , and leaving nothing standing but only the church to be made into a sheep-house … the husbandmen be thrust out of their own , or else by covin and fraud or by violent oppression they be put besides it , or by wrongs and injuries they be so wearied , that they be compelled to sell all .
18 It was hard to tell , sometimes , which of these people he had written about , now that they sat down yards from him .
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