Example sentences of "they [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They will have suggested topics which will bind the poor as a class together ; topics which will excite them against the rich ; topics the discussion of which in the only form in which that discussion reaches the ear will be to make them think that some new law can make them comfortable … — that Government has at its disposal an inexhaustible fund out of which it can give to those who now want without also creating elsewhere other and greater wants .
2 If you will want the reactions of these people to the candidate be sure to let them know that this will be expected .
3 But I think it is important for us to er , as an individual authority as well as working with other authorities , to actually keep up the pressure on the Ministry to , to let them know that this is n't going to go away , and that they 've got to come up with some answers which are , which are going to try and satisfy people .
4 If you have any of your class members attending please let them know that this payment is now due .
5 Jamaicans usually claim to be able to understand everything said in Standard English ; it comes as something of a shock to many of them to find that English people can by no means always understand them .
6 As the only catering industry representative on this working party , I would be interested to hear from any companies which have any experience , or knowledge of any examples , which make them feel that this is an area that needs to be examined quickly and subjected to public debate .
7 ‘ On the other hand , you also need to make them feel that this may be their one chance to make a record — and they 'd better work pretty hard to make sure it sounds good . ’
8 The odds stacked against them show that industrial action today needs a leap of the political intellect .
9 The complete lack of cognitive improvements leads them to suggest that cognitive impairment is intrinsically associated with long-term morbidity in schizophrenia .
10 Rumours that the increased duties to be levied on gin were but the beginning of a general excise , an indirect tax that would hurt the poor much more than the better-off , fuelled the crowd 's antipathy towards the government : " If we are Englishmen … let them see that wooden shoes are not so easy to be worn as they imagine .
11 At the end of the story significantly called Youth , a story in which Conrad calls on his own memory of the testing of ardent feelings in critical conditions in describing the last fatal , curtailed voyage of the old Judea , Marlow as narrator , sitting in comfortable middle age among men who , like him , had served an apprenticeship at sea , challenges them to deny that this was the best time of their lives :
12 It is for them to ensure that those substantial resources are used effectively .
13 It can lead them to believe that such children are racially distinct from other blacks .
14 Also in relation to the United States , Brody ( 1981 ) offers evidence from a three-generation study of women that the youngest generation felt more strongly than the other two about ‘ grandfilial responsibility ’ , three-quarters of them saying that older people should expect help from their grandchildren , whereas less than a quarter of the oldest generation took this view .
15 Seventy three per cent of them believe that inadequate resources are a key issue facing higher education , according to the survey , which was conducted by Gallup and commissioned by NATFHE , the university and college lecturers ' union .
16 But we 've got to get them to understand that that does n't mean to say that our prices will always be the lowest .
17 At this or any stage it may be that one or both of them finds that initial attraction is not supported by later experience .
18 All of them knew that this could mean only one thing : Aenarion was going to draw the Sword of Khaine , take up the Widowmaker , to wield the ultimate and deadly weapon .
19 Some 42% of them thought that economic liberals were best at handling the economy ( against 18% who thought social democrats were ) ; and 50% thought unions should be independent of social-democratic parties ( though 39% thought the opposite ) .
20 Thus , when Josias Nichols asked the parishioners of one parish in Kent ‘ whether it were possible for a man to live so uprightly that by well doing he might win heaven ’ , virtually all of them thought that this was so .
21 Student leaders say they fear that young people could be brainwashed by the organisation .
22 Some people get very upset about the idea that there might be any causes operating in the social world ; they fear that causal influences on human action rob people of their freedom of choice and dignity of action .
23 They fear that such schemes could lead to disciplinary action against sub-standard teachers and to the beginnings of a merit pay system .
24 They fear that increasing raids from bordering Mozambique just a few miles away , together with the lack of any local security , has turned the area into a no-go zone .
25 But they fear that next year it will be more difficult to take such action , when European Safety Standards , less stringent than Britain 's , come into force .
26 Members of the European Parliament have endorsed EC Commission plans for an ‘ immense ’ programme for testing chemicals for their environmental risks — but they fear that this will lead to a proliferation of tests involving animals .
27 There are five chicks living in the nest and they fear that bad luck will follow if they remove it .
28 Now that the national museums no longer have their purchase grants awarded separately from grant in aid for running costs , they fear that those will be further whittled away and they will be even less capable of competing for major masterpieces .
29 They fear that unexpected turmoil on the peninsula could easily trigger massive capital flight from South Korea .
30 And they fear that ten months on , the circumstances that led to Anna 's death still exist .
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