Example sentences of "they [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 We should take a radical approach to the position of elderly people beyond the year 2000 , and consider whether technology can allow them to enjoy a better standard of living and to rely less on residential and nursing homes .
2 The development was welcomed by exhibitors , who felt that stage adaptations would enable them to attract a better class of customer , but they were n't to know what they were letting themselves in for .
3 If two assets have the same risk but one of them has a lower return than the other , then it is sold and the proceeds are invested in the other .
4 Matters have come to a head with the publication of a new and more detailed insurance group rating system which insurers say will enable them to pinpoint the higher risk models more accurately .
5 The company them added a further £100 .
6 This not only enables them easily to recheck particular information if they need to , but it also has the effect of encouraging them to consult a wider range of sources of information .
7 A group of woman so poor they are forced to scavenge coal dust from the sea are looking to Oxfam to help them to create a better life .
8 More engineering has to be built into these units than in lower temperature ones to enable them to withstand the higher temperature .
9 The instructions which come with a video recorder tend to be expressed in an amiable pidgin Japanese , but the citizen who misunderstands them suffers no worse fate than that of failing to record the programme that he wants , unless and until his ten-year-old grandson can be prevailed upon to work the thing for him .
10 For example , the director must take care not to withhold from the company 's shareholders information that would , if provided to them , enable them to negotiate a fairer price for the company .
11 She says they want to spend it on recreation , holidays , books , equipment and special aids which will help them have a better life .
12 However , some consumers , and these will be the poorer ones , will be worse off under the two-part tariff regime because they consume fewer than x units under average cost pricing , so charging a lump sum fee unc makes them pay a higher effective price for their units or forces them to consume fewer or even to drop out entirely .
13 Lenders fell into two camps , depending on how much they fear a further drying up of already moribund mortgage demand .
14 He said : ‘ The reason KimberlyClark chose Humberside is because they got a higher level of grant aid .
15 After all , they got no further commission for such a service .
16 I mean to me the boss of of our bench , there was probably twenty people on the bench , to me the boss of that it was n't what you call a particularly good job but she 'd always worked at the and of course when when went on War work er th those that were still there they got the better jobs you see , to organize us that had n't been , worked there before .
17 Literature classes with older people can be rewarding ; they bring a longer experience of life to bear on the subject , and often a wide range of reading .
18 These are similar to multiples except that the qualifying number of stores is five and they sell a wider range of merchandise .
19 At the new PC World computer superstore ( Croydon and Thurrock , Essex ) , they sell the classier 386 model of the PS/1 for £899 ( Dixons 's price : £1021.27 ) .
20 A few weeks later there appeared a letter to the then prestigious Pall Mall Gazette from Sickert praising the move because there are more clothed than naked people in the world , they display a greater variety of shapes and colours , drawing or painting them does not require the high temperature ‘ which is extremely injurious to young people , and to women of whom the classes largely consist ’ and , most piquantly , because ‘ the absence of the nude model will eliminate a certain number of students who are drawn by mere curiosity . ’
21 ‘ But if they wanted to kidnap you , why did n't they make a better job of it ? ’ asked Jack .
22 Then in 1980 and again in 1983 ten-minute rule bills on this subject obtained second readings which approved the principle ; as is normally the case with such bills they made no further progress due to lack of parliamentary time .
23 The tents were straw-coloured , ranked in orderly rows , and every so often they passed a larger pavilion which Rostov guessed belonged to some kind of nobleman or senior officer .
24 The cheeses are matured in a specially constructed humid cellar for 2½–3 months , during which time they lose a further 225–325g/8–12oz in weight and develop a mould or rind beneath the muslin .
25 At the first attack ( verse 21 ) the Israelites lose 22 of their crack soldiers , the next day ( verse 25 ) they lose a further 18 ; on the third day ( verses 19 , 34 ) an ambush is set , consisting of , or led by , 10 of them .
26 In order to improve the broadcasting system and make it better able to resist political pressure — a prime duty of the libertarian/social responsibility media — they favour a wider range of representation on various broadcasting boards .
27 They favour a tougher approach .
28 Friendships become easier for young women in later adolescence as they develop a clearer sense of self identity .
29 In the nineteenth century they manned the lower ranges of the political structure by combining with their traditional municipal powers the electoral patronage of parliamentary government .
30 They recommended a glazier , a brush and an insurance claim .
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