Example sentences of "on their [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 From all this sprang the paradox that orders like the Cistercian — which had set out to revive the old tradition that many monasteries should be away from the world , set apart , oases in the desert — encouraged journeying and laid on their leaders the obligation to travel often and far .
2 once they were on their way the runners … 370 of them were under orders for their start …
3 The women who assemble stationery or shoes have to inflict on their families the permanent , sickly , and probably unhealthy smell of glue and solvents .
4 They can select the seminar option , which displays on their screens the text of the discussion in progress , and tap in their own ideas .
5 On their part the workers protested over " oppressions " in the shape of late wage payment , truck , " stoppages " from pay for allegedly deficient workmanship , of effecting wage cuts by increasing the measure of work expected for a " price " , and of deducting excessive charges for rent of equipment and the supply of essential items , as often as they did of employers ' combinations to lower wages .
6 The Ferry loop line brought the trams to the waterfront , passing on their return the Pharos Lighthouse , which had been built in 1840 .
7 On their return the Conference passed a stronger resolution .
8 The doctor had told the boy to leave and get his father , but on their return the doctor appeared at the door of the hut and handed the boy 's father a baby girl wrapped in his wife 's shawl .
9 This union made Jack Straw in no doubt , and the Labour Party , that on their election the compulsory element of C C T will be removed , and if they had any ideas they 'd better forget 'em .
10 By cheating on their taxes the rich are not only exploiting the system themselves but increasing the pressure on those that ca n't afford alternatives
11 Yes , the reason why we picked a forty year lifespan of work or working life er with four tens was because Professor Good himself told us that er on their research the common employment pattern today is in fact four employers over the working life and of course that is very different from the experience of many pensioners who are drawing today from their pension funds , because many of them were long-term , long-service employees throughout their lives with one employer .
12 On their side the Turks taxed when they could areas which were formally outside their territory but which were accessible to the border-guards which they , like the Habsburgs , maintained all along this hazy frontier .
13 Their Majesties mount the platform and remain standing under a canopy , having on their right the ministers , marshals , admirals and the Court officers ; on their left are the Empress 's ladies and facing them , the diplomatic body .
14 If they were on their beam-ends the really desperate might brave an audition with the dreaded Sherman Fisher .
15 Pateman also says the only democratic element in liberal democracies is the vote and then when representatives make political decisions on their behalf the electorate renounce power .
16 On their wisdom the industry grew to undreamed of proportions .
17 This stressed-out poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly disposable , and that if they ease up on their workload the axe will fall .
18 They brought down on their heads the same abuse from the reformers as their counterparts in the county — the paper freeholders — suffered .
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