Example sentences of "on a [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The issue has already stirred strong passions in Wiltshire where County Councillors will be voting on a measure to ban foxhunting on all land under its control .
2 Each student should be embarked on a journey involving succeeding stages of intellectual maturity and independence .
3 But their hopes took a dive in the 62nd minute when Polish striker Marcel Witeczek went on a run to score a superb individual goal .
4 In 1960 the Soviet sugar crop was hit by drought , at the same time as the authorities were embarking on a drive to raise the levels of sugar consumption .
5 flat on a mattress feels the need of a pea —
6 This offered its occupants seventy-two square feet of invigorating repose on a mattress stuffed with the tail hair of leading stallions .
7 further overflow records from tracks on a cylinder stored in the cylinder overflow area ;
8 The party newspaper , Neues Deutschland , splashed yesterday on a story headlined : ‘ The Development Of The German Democratic Republic Will Be The Work Of The Whole People In Future , Too . ’
9 At one stage it seemed as though the government would decide on a scheme operated by banks as the lenders , but the financial institutions were unenthusiastic .
10 All of which tends to confirm a belief that General Holomisa has advanced far on a scheme to forge an informal alliance with Mr Mandela and his organisation , the African National Congress .
11 My mam looked after the baby and I did a job on a scheme looking after old people .
12 The government plant to spend about £6 billion on a scheme to improve public transport and provide new rail and canal links for passengers and freight .
13 PLANNERS are almost ready to go public on a scheme to improve the image of Anglesey 's most historic town .
14 When something goes wrong , the slogan ‘ Have machine , will travel ’ has a depressing ring of truth , especially disastrous in the winter season , since it is no good excavating a channel in midwinter if the ecologists working with the engineers on a scheme have not had the opportunity during the previous summer growing season to identify the existing aquatic habitat affected .
15 Based on a scheme put together for their own executives , it too gives individuals a say in the choice of investments .
16 They discussed stumbling blocks to progress on a scheme to bring Sainsbury to Caldaire 's Grange Road site .
17 BP Solar is also working on a scheme to integrate photovoltaics directly into the cladding of office blocks .
18 Then the truth pours out : FM transmission is based on a scheme drawn up 40 years ago .
19 COUNTRYSIDE enthusiasts are claiming that tens of thousands of pounds have been wasted on a scheme designed to increase public access to the East Anglian countryside .
20 He denounced the Republicans in the New York state legislature for bringing the state to the " brink of disaster " by blocking agreement on a plan to close an estimated $875 million gap in the current state budget and deal with a $3,600 million deficit for the coming year , but acknowledged that he could not contemplate campaigning in New Hampshire whilst his state faced such a crisis .
21 ‘ In October 1991 , when the local authority negotiated a long-term foster home placement in Windsor it seems reasonable to suppose then they had already embarked on a plan to move towards adoption .
22 King Hussein of Jordan yesterday promised a referendum on a plan to liberalise political life following a parliamentary election in which Islamic groups made striking gains .
23 It was reported on Feb. 15 , however , that the 13 member states had reached agreement on a plan to restrict production to 22,982,000 bpd , of which Saudi Arabia would have a ceiling of 7,887,000 bpd , Iran 3,184,000 bpd , the UAE 2,244,000 bpd , Venezuela 2,147,000 bpd , Nigeria 1,751,000 bpd , Libya 1,395,000 bpd , Indonesia 1,374,000 bpd , Kuwait 812,000 bpd , Algeria 760,000 bpd , Iraq 505,000 bpd , Qatar 377,000 bpd , Ecuador 273,000 bpd and Gabon 273,000 bpd .
24 A ginger group , the Washington-based United Shareholders Association plans this month to start soliciting shareholder proxies for a motion that if approved would force IBM 's non-executive directors to call in a firm of investment bankers to advise on a plan to maximise shareholder value by spinning off or selling one or more units of the company .
25 In November , the two countries agreed on a plan to extend the Egyptian rail system westwards to Tobruk .
26 His youngest daughter Margaret married John Hastings Earl of Pembroke in 1359 , and although she died two years later , Pembroke remained high in favour at court and , with royal encouragement , embarked on a plan to reunite the inheritance of his ancestor William Marshall , which had twice been partitioned in the previous century and a half .
27 While Mr Heseltine discreetly canvassed back-bench dissidents on a plan to save 13 pits , some for up to only two years , the Treasury was insisting that only eight pits could be justifiably saved .
28 German strategy in 1914 was based on a plan devised by Field Marshal Count Alfred von Schlieffen ( 1833–1913 ) , Chief of the German Great General Staff 1891–1905 .
29 Sighs of relief at Armonk , which was threatened with losing its monster $4,000m air traffic control contract : the Federal Aviation Administration and IBM Corp have agreed on a plan to fix the software problems that have plagued the modernisation programme , which is now almost three years behind plan .
30 By 1907 , the CUB , acting on a plan initiated by W. H. Beveridge , was busy opening exchanges in every London borough , each of which made special provision for women and juveniles , and provided vocational guidance for school-leavers through working in co-operation with the ASEA and the Education Department of the LCC .
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