Example sentences of "on the year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The new total is up by 283,000 — 38 per cent — on the year since January 1992 , and 522,000 — 103 per cent — since October 1990 .
2 Membership was up to 220 with a surplus on the year of £23 .
3 On the year of jubilee all slaves are freed , all debts are cancelled and the land lies fallow .
4 Report on the Year of 1966
5 Well we were lucky in that we 've been able to do , have a , a very good relationship with a company called well known in the marine side and they put in forty five thousand pounds into er the scheme and promised that before Christmas and that was reading the paper one day in November the , the Robert the National Heritage Minister saying that they may be , may , if you 're lucky , going to put some money into sport and er so we contacted them and we were one of the first sports to get , had money doubled as they say in the bingo hall , so we er we now have ninety , ninety thousand pounds and which I wh has been distributed or will be distributed in the , in the following way so that 's how we 're gon na spend it and er these er , the administration represent we were basically overwhelmed with enquiries and s we took on a person in order to , to do it , the normal R Y A staff had already got enough on so we took on a girl called Sara who answers all the queries on the Year of Youth Hotline and erm we are also running the boat shows , the four or five N B L challenge which is the flagship event for our sponsors which is er I wo n't go into the , the details but is a , a talent fight , talent spotting event for under sixteen year olds around the country and it provided fleet of dinghies , the prize for which is a dinghy which is not , not a bad prize I think you 'll agree .
6 In Heriot 's we take this very seriously , and we have embarked on a major enhancement of our language provision , to give all our pupils a grounding in two languages — either French and German , or French and Spanish , depending on the year of entry .
7 Nevertheless , we can look back on the year with pride and feel confident that our achievements stand us in good stead for 1992 .
8 Joint Managing Director , Rod Turnbull , gave a review on the year with sales and budgets explained within the context of cautions optimism and an expanding sales force .
9 Industry estimates are that sales were down by 12 p.c. on the year at about 140,000 .
10 For earlier in the day they saw in-calf heifer averages drop by over £200 and bulling heifers drop by £88 on the year at the spring event .
11 The views of centres are therefore being sought on the year in which it is considered that candidates could be enrolled on new-style courses , for those courses which are not the subject of national development of units .
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