Example sentences of "on the other end " in BNC.

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1 And the bloke on the other end of the phone said , I think we could talk business .
2 The five dogs on the other end of it were not impressed with the idea of going backwards and battle was joined .
3 The telephone was ringing as McLeish walked into his own flat , and he picked it up to find his Commander on the other end of the line .
4 On the other end of the line , the voice hesitated and then went steely-hard .
5 I handed back the receiver and heard Ronnie being agitated on the other end .
6 And on the other end of the line , the spineless , boneless baby-kissers : all eagerly participating in the charade , briefly pretending to be interested in these individuals , in order to make importuning for votes look like philanthropy and vacant sayings appear new minted .
7 Watertightness is achieved by thrust from hydraulic rams acting on the other end of the tank .
8 Whenever you phone there 'll be a friendly voice on the other end of the line to make all the necessary arrangements .
9 Chuck is on the other end o' the rope , and he 'll be able tae hold it firm while we climb back . ’
10 As far as the person on the other end is concerned you are the company or organization .
11 Always remember , behaviour breeds behaviour and that , so far as the person on the other end of the telephone is concerned , you are what you say !
12 Make sure the person on the other end agrees with you .
13 That said , the footswitch on the other end of the long cable is a very sturdy metal-cased affar with three switches , each one with its own status LED .
14 Every time the gel on the other end tried to bring the conversation to a polite close , I 'd crank up with another round of exasperatingly slow , repetitive , thread-losing , stammering ramblings .
15 This was my big chance — on the other end was bound to be some beefcake .
16 When Diana gave the false name to secretaries in phone calls to the London offices of Wright , Son and Pepper they had no idea it was the princess on the other end of the line .
17 On the other end of the line there was both relief and accusation in Brian 's voice .
18 Sinatra was on the other end , furious .
19 ‘ That you ’ When the offender is on the other end of a telephone this point is usually difficult to prove .
20 When she asked for Sergeant MacDonald there was a pause , then the man on the other end of the line told her to wait .
21 What if the man on the other end transmits too quickly and I ca n't keep up with him ?
22 Miss Firbank added : ‘ It 's just a pity that when Prince Charles declared his love , it was n't his wife on the other end of the line . ’
23 ‘ I was on the other end of the question for most of my life as a British Telecom customer manager , and I always tried to see the view of the underdog , because there is just a chance he might be right , ’ he said .
24 The guy on the other end was frantic , demanding to get a message to the boss , David Cawthra .
25 The voice on the other end of the telephone line was abrupt and filled with contained excitement .
26 The crackly voice on the other end sounded deeply grateful .
27 The voice on the other end of the line sounded charming .
28 Sharedealing developed into the pretext for regular human contact on the part of lonely clients who carried on trading because they could not live without that friendly familiar voice on the other end of the telephone .
29 Erm it can hear from the other side of the of Mike 's living room it can hear the person on the other end of a telephone connection which is is is is
30 For what good it was going to do me , I was fairly sure that these two were on the other end of the lead poisoning Connors and I had nearly contracted .
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