Example sentences of "on [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 That 's er had no affect on on me doing the job in any way .
2 You can use several Pump Wagons together , or advance them with chariots or big monsters , but their random move means you ca n't rely on them to hit the enemy at the same time .
3 In her mind 's eye she saw the assassin 's mouth open and close , and on them read the syllables of her name .
4 The results of research with such instruments would enable general practitioners to provide scientific evidence to managers on why they may be using more expensive management options for a particular illness when the managers exert pressure on them to use the cheapest .
5 As well as being unsightly , they have also been very painful , resulting in my not being able to wear tights , etc. and often not being able to touch them to rub various oils and ointments on them to ease the pain .
6 But after receiving a 129-signature petition , councillors accused the critics of being shortsighted , calling on them to support the development .
7 The recently formed Council of Labour should summon a rank-and-file conference of all the radical political movements in Ireland and call on them to discuss the creation of an all-Ireland socialist party .
8 The first GCE O and A level examinations were held in 1951 ( S levels were at that time an essential part of the system as well , since on them depended the award of State scholarships to university candidates , before the days of Mandatory awards ) .
9 Later , under Roman occupation , they maintained with unbreakable courage their strict monotheism ; so much so that the Roman governor did not even dare to bring his standards into Jerusalem lest the medallions on them depicting the emperor should be thought to infringe the Second Commandment .
10 However , Australian conservationists feel that in this , as in many aspects of environmental protection , the onus is on them to show the rest of the world how to cope with the problems .
11 Our sense of adventure only went so far and we relied on them to make the decisions .
12 Greenwich was set up as a new meridian which would suit the astronomers ' convenience , and the government relied on them to make the new meridian into a suitable base-line for calculating the longitude .
13 One way of meeting this need is to take some commonly used map data sources ( both analogue and digital ) and perform numerical experiments on them to investigate the effects of scale and map resolution on data accuracy .
14 Sometimes , these are fine monuments with letters or numbers carved on them indicating the names of particular parishes or estates .
15 SOUTHAMPTON manager Ian Branfoot paid tribute to United after his team had been thrashed and said : ‘ Put your money on them to win the title again . ’
16 But a lot of women tend to see Christmas through because there is pressure on them to keep the family together .
17 Turn the television off then , go on you push the button .
18 ‘ But what will you be saying if you see yourself in a month 's time with a list on you like the Leaning Tower of Pisa ?
19 I 've got to take in a promotional drinks party first , and as the Press will be there they 'll focus on you like the leeches they are because you 'll be a new face . ’
20 Whenever this happens , the onus is on you to control the call and steer the conversation to a successful conclusion .
21 Members of the jury , it is clear that there is more here than meets the eye and I call on you to reach the only verdict that matches the evidence ;
22 We , I used , erm the school were next to that so I , it was my job to go and , on you know the scrap
23 I think it 's great shame that were not able to come more often now but I do n't think that the replacement scheme is really a replacement cos it relies on you getting the most expensive seats I would rather see lots of things cheaply rather than just one or two things more expensively it also does n't include studio theatre many of the productions I think are excellent and there 's no advantage there .
24 Yes , ye were startled ; — and in balance true , Weighing the mischief with the promised gain , Mountains and Vales , and Floods , I call on you To share the passion of a just disdain .
25 ( i ) If your salary grade is below PO1 ( that is below spinal column point 35 within the APT & C grades ) you are permitted to engage in extra mural employment provided it does not have any adverse effect on you performing the normal duties of your post .
26 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
27 It 's just sh right , Eleni and Lucinda , go on you explain the story .
28 The fields around Barnard Castle can be quite green and pleasant , but a few miles further on you meet the snow line .
29 But Anne Rogers whose son James has been unconscious for six years says the ruling just puts pressure on her to do the same thing .
30 The reality is of course very different , and although more initiatives are being introduced , much at present depends on the individual nurse 's attitude towards continuing her education , and on her initiating the process for herself .
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