Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Originally , the Romans had a complicated system of dividing the month , with Calends ( from which our word ‘ calendar ’ is derived ) on the first , Ides on the fifteenth of March , May , July , and October and on the thirteenth day of the other months , and Nones occurring eight days before the Ides .
2 For twelve days her subconscious mind had ‘ seen ’ Sylvia calmly and confidently entering the cupboard under the stairs with no signs of panic ; so when , on the thirteenth day , she came to do it in reality there was still no need for anxiety to manifest itself .
3 Stripped film from the security camera that videos customers in the Praed Street shop , Took away the staff roster , which reveals who was working on the crucial day , Removed the shop 's till rolls , Attempted to pursuade the female member of staff to forget Mr Onanuga told her he served Mr Lamont on the Monday , and Refused to allow the woman to keep a copy of her signed statement because , it said , it could be handed to a newspaper .
4 Unlike its plainer cousin , it will not bring shame to the wearer by wilting or drooping on the crucial day .
5 The landlord hereby demises unto the Tenant ALL THAT messuage or dwelling-house with the outbuildings and garden attached thereto and forming part thereof known as Number 10 Downing Lane Old Fableland in the County of Humberside which premises are outlined in red on the Plan annexed to these presents EXCEPT AND RESERVING AND SUBJECT to the exceptions and reservations set out in the Schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant from the 25th day of December 1986 for the term of seven years PAYING therefore the net yearly rent of £2500 clear of all deductions by equal quarterly instalments commencing on the 25th day of December 1986 next and thereafter on the usual quarter days .
6 But after 27 days he has travelled 270 miles and on the 28th day he travels the remaining 30 miles and reaches land before he goes to sleep .
7 They conclude by declaring that they are the owners of the property and have full powers and right to bargain and sell the same , setting their " hands & seals " on the 28th day of February 1690 , and witnessed by Knipe , Enoch Floyd and Isaac Ashley , the latter two being quakers and shareholders .
8 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
9 With weather conditions on the appointed day predicted to be very severe — including gales likely to cause structural damage to buildings — only three of the six teams managed to participate .
10 On the appointed day Modigliani appeared looking confident and distinguished in his cords and red scarf ; he ordered a good bottle of wine and began to rhapsodize about Gaby 's beauty and charm .
11 It had been Conneau who , in fact , had made possible the famous escape in 1846 by maintaining the pretence of his patient 's illness on the appointed day , thereby preventing the prison governor from making his daily visit .
12 Their acquiescence was to be encouraged by a campaign of information and by mobilising convinced peasants to persuade recalcitrant ones , but nothing could stop the tractors from moving in on the appointed day .
13 I chose the more orthodox route via Lisbon and Sal and arrived safely at my destination at Praia on the appointed day .
14 Pledges on which less than ten shillings had been lent became the property of the pawnbroker if they were not collected on the appointed day .
15 On the appointed day , the first pageant wagon drove to the first station at Sowerby Bridge .
16 Sadly , on the appointed day , her hopes proved wrong .
17 You were late getting in your order for the film ( though you swear the office forgot to send it on ) so on the appointed day , when it is n't there , you have to cobble something else together — and then show the film , when it arrives four weeks later , in the middle of a block of work to which it does not relate .
18 Eventually the lot fell on the King 's daughter , Hesione , who was taken to the sea shore on the appointed day and tied to a rock .
19 On a more positive note , the expedition did make port at the appointed hour on the appointed day , having spent several hours in a public house further up the estuary to avoid being early , which made for a very ‘ happy ’ reunion .
20 A mnemonic helps considerably in recalling the routine on the appointed day .
21 On the appointed day I presented myself at the villa .
22 On the appointed day the parents of the groom sent presents of betel , cakes , fruit , etc. to the parents of the bride .
23 Written application for consultation had been made in advance , but despite this , only five of the thirteen Strathclyde theses were ready for inspection on the appointed day .
24 And that he will return with hell-fire on the appointed day . ’
25 As with sales by tender , the Bank offers a large amount ( not less than £1 billion ) of newly created stock for sale and invites bids to be submitted before 10 a.m. on the appointed day .
26 And , according to Mrs Aitken , Jake had no objections , so arrangements were made for Carol 's parents to pick up Kirsty on the appointed day .
27 Erm that seven thousand e those seven thousand vehicles , is that the through traffic element on the present day A sixty one ?
28 A few of the players such as Jim McKeever and Phil Stuart reside in Belfast but all are expected to be in Dublin not only to be feted but to cheer on the present day Oak Leaf county heroes .
29 The original castle was built by King John in 1235 on the present day site of Castle Street in the city centre .
30 On the five day courses participants will have a chance to try out hillwalking , river kayaking , Canadian canoeing and rock climbing .
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