Example sentences of "with more [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're still applying for the wrong jobs , ’ she said , with more than a hint of exasperation .
2 Within two years he had so firmly established himself that he was able to bring to Canada his wife and young son , Lyon , where they settled happily , first at Maberly , Ontario , then in Montreal , a home with more than a touch of aristocratic manners and style .
3 On the plus side the harness and especially the hip belt is extremely comfortable , its extra wide shape wrapping round the hips with more than a hint of luxury .
4 This was augmented by Hastings 's conversion and two penalties , and only now , with more than a quarter of the match gone , did France pull themselves together and begin to pull back the Lions ' lead .
5 In the middle of the spectrum , however , are perceptions with more than a hint of approval or disapproval implicit in them : perceptions of each party 's electoral chances ; perceptions of whether national economic performance and prospects are improving or declining ; and images of the parties and party leaders .
6 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
7 ‘ I ca n't tell you here , ’ Bodo muttered , with more than a touch of impatience .
8 Lewis 's popularity was part of this , and it was with more than a scent of victory in the air , victory over the agnostics and freethinkers , that he consented to be involved with the foundation of the Socratic Club in Oxford in 1941 .
9 Thomson recreates the Australian Fifties with more than a cursory skill and catches the censorious , more petit bourgeois than the English tone of the times well enough to convince .
10 This is a rich , satisfying casserole with more than a taste of the exotic , but which could be included in nearly any dinner party menu .
11 She asked with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice .
12 Numbers of influential visitors to Germany , mostly connected with commerce , the aristocracy , or both , came back with more than a little sympathy for what Hitler was achieving .
13 He gave it the significance of a personal belief and turning lazily in his chair to inform Charles with more than a trace of arrogance , ‘ Old Guards ’ proverb . ’
14 By now there were fewer paeans of praise to fecundity in the magazines ; instead they were asking ‘ Why Young Mothers Feel Trapped ’ ( Redbook ) or , with more than a hint of desperation , offering ‘ 58 Ways To Make Your Marriage More Exciting ’ ( Newsweek ) , Graduate wives complained bitterly , especially in the Guardian , of living like cabbages .
15 The widely-held fears stem from the reasonable assumption that an independent or a devolved Scotland would be incapable of existing without considerable handouts from Whitehall and would have an administration with more than a left-wing tinge .
16 The preliminary results , particularly in Teheran , indicate Iranians ' weariness with more than a decade of revolutionary turmoil and a desire to rebuild the economy following the eight-year war with Iraq .
17 Towards the close of A Call to the Unconverted you can well imagine tears rolling down his cheeks as he pleads with his hearers , ‘ If I came hungry or naked to one of your doors , would you not part with more than a cup of water to relieve me ?
18 Drew claimed , with more than a little documented substantiation , to be directly descended from Peregrine White , the first white man to be born in America .
19 fewer lone mothers worked part-time , about a quarter , compared with more than a third of married mothers .
20 In teacher-training colleges lecturers have new theories of history that do away with the learning of ‘ facts ’ in favour of imaginative identification with more than a little colouring from the modern stereotypes that possess their own imagination .
21 ‘ My bag ! ’ she said out loud and then , more softly but with more than a touch of anguish , ‘ Oh no , the letter ! ’
22 ‘ Pardon me if I write vehemently , ’ he apologized disingenuously to Poole in his second letter , adding with more than a hint of picturesque excess :
23 The opportunity to do so did not arise until Racedown was offered to them six years later , by which time Wordsworth could contemplate a life whose course , since his Norfolk visit , had done much to shape his political and poetic character , and had left him with more than a little to repent .
24 Rather than to characterise Genetic Alchemy as definitive I prefer to view it as a valuable ‘ second generation ’ effort , considerably more scholarly than its predecessors but with more than a whiff of the critical and sceptical attitudes of the disciplines that focus not so much on the substance of science as on its character as a social institution .
25 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
26 His father , Isaac , a gentleman with more than a little of the rogue about him , was in Jamaica during the closing years of the 18th century , taking refuge there , it would seem , after a bankruptcy of 1779 .
27 ‘ The widow , ’ replied Hank , with more than a trace of impatience in his voice , and then continued : ‘ And it 's selling so fast that I do n't know what to do with the money .
28 Many of the fish are of specimen size , too , with more than a few record breakers .
29 Looking after the ‘ tribe ’ is the number one priority , but Mary was always looking at ways of continuing her artistic leanings and it was to heraldry that she returned , this time with more than a hint of aviation to it !
30 Hair is shiny and sophisticated with more than a touch of class !
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