Example sentences of "with it the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the prospect of that new century , and with it the hope for a better future , was something the people of Frome , like the people of Britain itself , sorely needed .
2 The opportunity for a negotiated peace had been lost — and with it the hope that anything good might come out of the Great War .
3 Acceptance of the criterion of examinability affects both the content and form of the knowledge presented but carries with it the guarantee of high status .
4 Trainees will come to realise that their action , by its abruptness , has carried with it the judgement that the client is guilty of incest .
5 Over recent years , the study of the fire problem involved in high-bay ( high-racked ) warehouses has provoked much thought and discussion , and has brought with it the realisation that there are many factors to be considered in determining the correct solution to adopt .
6 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
7 If the initial samples do not provide adequate evidence , it is often too late to collect further samples for testing , as the pollution may have disappeared and with it the evidence . "
8 There is a strong sense of violence attached to the notion of ta'kwanya ; for this category of creative , cultural capability is comprised of poisonous forces and carries with it the idea of predation ( see Overing 1986a ) .
9 This stronger sense of learning also carries with it the idea that ultimately the student is able to evaluate it for him or herself , and form a personal view about its validity ( by reading the relevant articles , by listening to the different views of the authorities on the topic , and perhaps by assisting in a clinical trial ) .
10 The notion of marginality carries with it the sense of dualism , since it implies being on the boundaries of urban and rural society , but not integrated into either .
11 Motherhood today often involves giving up paid employment ( although nowadays for shorter periods than in the past ) , and with it the sense of identity and community that work affords .
12 The months passed and there came a week when the purple flowers of the heather took over the moorland slopes and brought with it the sense at last of autumn , a time he loved .
13 Although there had been considerable Russian settlement in Asia before the railway age , it was not until the building of the Central Asian and Trans-Siberian lines that settlement , and with it the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources , really took off .
14 The opening of East European borders has provided new opportunities for rampant free-marketeering and with it the exploitation of the workers in these countries .
15 This led to a deep conflict within himself which carried with it the handicap that he did not really understand the ordinary world , was remote from everyday life , and so lacked balance .
16 This theory carries with it the implication that the cyclostome characters mentioned above were not part of the history of gnathostomes but were instead specializations restricted to lampreys and hagfishes .
17 As Barro points out , the only quantity rule which does not carry with it the implication that at times buyers and sellers will , at the price set , trade a quantity of the good they consider in advance to be sub-optimal is a rule which sets output equal to the value it would take in the absence of any unanticipated disturbances ; that is , y n .
18 If he started fiddling with it the way he fiddled with everything it could go off in his own face .
19 Mr. Beloff submits that the requirement of notice to bodies , such as Winchester , was necessary to ensure that they did not breach the intervention notice , but in my view the limitation of the category of those entitled to be given notice to persons who will be prejudicially affected can only mean that it is the prejudice which brings with it the necessity to serve .
20 It was part of the same southern European pattern that at the same time Greece shook off one more episode of military dictatorship , and with it the monarchy , and established a democratic republic .
21 The ambiguity of Jacques Chirac 's attitude to the National Front helped destroy his bid for the Presidency last year , and with it the credibility of the opposition to President Mitterrand .
22 The fourth point is to check whether your choice of a particular subject calls for any prior knowledge or qualification ; or whether it carries with it the obligation to study a related subject .
23 Family members too will have considerable feelings , and this might be an opportunity for a family meeting in the old person 's home , acknowledging the sadness for everybody of having to give up that home , accepting the necessity for more care , and with it the reassurance that the family will be vitally needed for continued regular visiting and involvement .
24 It not only dared to enter the domain of philosophy by offering a critique of epistemology but also brought with it the heresy of relativism .
25 Breakfast was difficult , bringing with it the aroma of kippers and the sight of poached eggs quivering on plates , but by the time our lunch flask was delivered , people were perking up and looking forward to the task ahead .
26 But then had come Richard 's letter and with it the realization that no ill had as yet befallen the princes .
27 The suppression of to has the effect of leaving no distance between the request and the action requested so that the actualization of the request is represented as carrying with it the realization of what is asked .
28 Because the 1830s marked the translation of much of the rural population- and with it the problem of housing the poor-from the country into the cities , Dorothea 's second , more satisfactory marriage to Will Ladislaw seems symbolic : she turns her attention , one assumes , from rural to urban housing , as he does his from pictures to politics .
29 In the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian war and the unification of Germany Smith had already calculated that British industry , and with it the country 's future , would be jeopardized unless there were a completely different and far more positive official approach to both technical and art education .
30 Almost inevitably , then , induction into a subject brings with it the development of commitment and loyalty to that subject too ( and , by implication , weakened loyalty and commitment to others ) .
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