Example sentences of "with a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest starting with a cheaper jacket until you get hooked — and you can always wear it at weekends afterwards .
2 It was concerned with the story that Archimedes had found a way of discovering if a crown made for King Hiero of Syracuse was in fact of pure gold , as it was supposed to be , or had been adulterated with a cheaper metal .
3 They are to be replaced with a cheaper type of brick to be covered in a special layer and painted in a new light colour .
4 Mr Klaus , who is also the finance minister , has used the Forum 's regional activists as a base to gain backing for his own conception — a right-of-centre party with a stricter line of command .
5 Thus with their typically lower pay ( see Susan Lonsdale 's chapter in this volume ) and lower lifetime earnings compared with men , the average woman ends up with a lower salary or wage on which to base her final salary for the purposes of working out occupational pension entitlements .
6 First , an examination of the gold coinage of Henry VIII would reveal that he introduced a new gold coin with a lower fineness and weight .
7 It had , for example , to struggle with West Germany 's complaints about a High Authority decision to allow French steel to be sold within West Germany with a lower level of taxation than that placed upon its own steel being sold in France .
8 Either way , the rise in prices is likely to be associated with a lower level of unemployment .
9 However , if the scheme is viewed as one that does not tax interest on savings , then more consumption in the future can be financed from a given volume of savings and those seeking a target future consumption can meet it with a lower level of current savings .
10 ‘ We have to make sure we do not starve of help clients with a lower level of need because people with a higher level of need are getting the resources ’ .
11 It has many advantages over the traditional ‘ Winchesters ’ with a lower centre of gravity and a carefully controlled flow of glass within the mould so that there are no weak spots or pressure-vulnerable areas .
12 Nevertheless , a preliminary report suggests that they remain patent longer than plastic stents , produce a more rapid decrease in the patients ' jaundice , and are associated with a lower incidence of early cholangitis .
13 Another favourite instrument of his late period is the basset-horn , a relative of the clarinet with a lower range and deeper timbre .
14 In the medium and long term , the major sources of monetary growth are banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio and government borrowing .
15 Banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio could be prevented by the authorities imposing statutory reserve requirements on banks .
16 Banks , being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio , were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded .
17 Even if the PSBR is reduced , this may be insufficient to prevent the growth of credit , especially if banks are prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio .
18 Also there are the problems of disintermediation , as customers switch their borrowing away from those banks short of liquidity , and the problem of banks resisting the squeeze on liquidity by operating with a lower liquidity ratio .
19 The study also shows that grasslands with a high above-ground biomass lose their standing crop more rapidly than those with a lower biomass .
20 In this case , the taxes necessary to finance the debt ( ) have the effect of transferring income from those with a lower propensity to save ( s w ) to the capitalist classes .
21 Cars such as the Vauxhall Cavalier SRi , Rover 416 GSi and Ford Sierra 2.0i Ghia are worth little more than the same model with a lower spec .
22 East Stand ) Neither of them are now at leeds , one is playing in the USA and the other is dossing around for a year ( so he says ) before trying to get in with a lower division club .
23 I always find it a difficult binocular object ; I can just see it with × 20 , but I am not confident that I can identify it with a lower magnification .
24 The personnel manager felt that if she was working in a establishment with a lower turn-over she would be more democratic because there would be more time .
25 Comparisons with other Western wage profiles also reveal a contrast particularly for blue-collar workers who in France and West Germany experience a slower growth in wages with a lower peak wage which is maintained from the age of 25 through to retirement ( Shirai 1983 p.31 ) .
26 N.B. A higher classification does not necessarily mean that the quality of what is provided is higher than that available in an establishment with a lower classification .
27 Broadly speaking , waves with a high frequency ( 13–15 per minute ) are destructive , while waves with a lower frequency ( 6–8 per minute ) are constructive .
28 The absence of an increase [ in cases of leukaemia ] in the rural high oil category overall in 1979–83 is due to a deficiency that is almost significant in areas with a lower child density or a lower oil impact score — and which was not present in the previous period , 1974–8 .
29 The Malaysian Prime Minister , Mohamed Mahathir , responded by warning that the USA was becoming " a threat to the future of small countries " and by replacing his trade minister with a lower ranking official at the APEC talks .
30 But the onslaught of European and Japanese competition made it far more important to attempt to maintain the position of domestic manufacturing industry with a lower exchange rate .
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