Example sentences of "with the [adj] social " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ establishment ’ , which consists of those members of society with the highest social statuses , is based around the Conservative Party , the Church of England , Oxford and Cambridge Universities , the Guards regiments and gentlemen 's clubs , as well as the public schools .
2 As half of the first full-time two man drug squad in the North-East of England , I was tasked with defining and dealing with the new social aberration of ‘ flower power ’ , ‘ the counter culture ’ , and the ‘ psychedelic trip ’ .
3 In the eyes of such politicians , industrial managers were not seen as the creators of the nation 's wealth , and the providers of job opportunities for the people , but as despoilers of the environment ; obsolete men , peddling obsolete views , who did n't really fit in with the new social scheme of things .
4 His point of view conflicted with the spirit of the age and , despite his example , the glorious art of true fresco died out , its practice being incompatible with the new social attitude to time .
5 Some managers began to express concern at the difficult position advisers would be in when working with the new social fund .
6 Then in 1983 the Liberals formed an alliance with the new Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) and withdrew Liberal candidates from half the parliamentary constituencies to give the SDP a clear run .
7 The emancipation of the serfs had been drawn up at a time when most of the tsar 's principal advisers belonged to the age of Nicholas I. Within a year of the promulgation of the statutes , most of the chief posts in the empire were held by people whose sympathy with the new social order was greater than that of the emancipators .
8 Sociology has come very late to the university , compared with the other social sciences , and although it has found a base there in a way which the arts or journalism have not , even they have increasingly strong academic connections .
9 The assessable elements , in common with the other social subjects are : Knowledge and Understanding ; Evaluating ; and Investigating .
10 It will also have to be seen in close relationship with other aspects of rural society and the economy , as well as with the overall social and economic structures at national and European levels .
11 The Jews were caught in the war between Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Ptolemy VI Philometor in which Egypt was saved by Roman intervention in 168 B.C. Antiochus IV who was robbed of his victory by the Romans tried to cope with the consequent social and economic problems by interfering with indigenous sanctuaries and their finances .
12 And if the religious world sought to understand the passing away of the old order and the emergence of the new one , the secular world too , faced with the greatest social change in history , reacted by the invention of sociology and the construction of grand social theories that would explain it all .
13 PNP was a programme explicitly grounded in a philosophy of positive discrimination in favour of the schools with the greatest social and educational needs , as represented by free school meals and low reading scores .
14 This had nothing to do with the European Social Charter , which proposes to enshrine similar rights , he said .
15 But how does he answer his fellow Conservatives like Herr Kohl , or Mr. Eyskens , of Belgium , who says : ’ It is a fact that the most competitive countries in Europe are also the ones with the best social and employment provision ’ ?
16 Young children have an enviable ability to acquire the rapid , casual pronunciation of a language apparently without effort if they are provided with the necessary social contact with native speakers and meaningful communication situations .
17 the simple quantitative approach described above suggests that very few older people are socially isolated ; most have frequent contact with the wider social context .
18 The process of individual care planning not only promoted contact with families but also with the wider social support network , including the community at large and the facilities which it had to offer in non-stigmatized settings .
19 Without an explicit theory , it is not clear whether the important underlying variable is indeed of a psycho-social kind , or whether it is ( for example ) associated with the looser social ties between the individual and the local group which are likely to be congruent with a high level of social ambition .
20 Births were to be encouraged among the genetically superior ( crudely equated with the higher social classes ) , and reproduction prevented among the genetically inferior ( the working class ) .
21 Socioeconomic status has been considered important because miners were of social class V earlier this century and this class has a 50% excess for gastric cancer compared with the higher social classes .
22 Their work is relevant to us and speaks of the human condition not because it attains universality and ‘ objectivity ’ , as Goody and others would imply , but on the contrary precisely because of its articulation with the real social experience in which they participated .
23 Despite such considerations , there has been concern that a neonatal diagnosis would interfere with the normal social and emotional growth and interaction of child and family .
24 ‘ Front ’ cultures have a way of incorporating apparent resistances and incorporating them into forms compatible with the established social order .
25 The main objective of the following discussion is to ascertain the extent to which the duty of the directors is to maximise profits , and hence is consonant with the putative social interest in profit maximisation .
26 This system of local government had much fine work to its credit but it was generally accepted that its structure had not changed enough to keep pace with the changing social pattern of travel to work , shopping and holiday areas .
27 The drama was popular with the complete social spectrum .
28 A digital file has been prepared at the LSE in collaboration with the Norwegian Social Science Data Services ( NSD ) to provide linkage with the most commonly available mapping packages and geographical information systems .
29 The dichotomy between these elements was resolved by turning the boardroom into a form of club to which only those with the right social background would be admitted .
30 This first stage did come on reading Thomas Malthus 's ( 1766 — 1834 ) Essay on the Principle of Population , on 28 September 1838 ; after a generational conjecture — that higher animal foetuses are initially hermaphrodite — had led him to Adolphe Quetelet 's findings on the sex ratio at birth and so , it seems , to Malthus as an author linked by a reviewer with the Belgian social statistician ( Schweber , 1977 ) .
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